Feature Data

Feature Data



Feature Data is the place to go when you need to maintain data for selectable features. Typical selectable features are categories, colors, materials, etc, but it can also be predefined search queries, files, images, etc.

TECH NOTE: Super users and administrators can manage data for all selectable features in Feature Data.

“Normal” users must be granted access to Feature Data by an administrator. When done, these users can access and manage data for selectable features according to permissions on the individual feature.

Manage feature data

By clicking on any feature on the left side, the right grid is updated accordingly. Grid editing operations are the same as in the main right grid, with respect to the user’s permissions.

It is also possible to export feature data to an Excel file (see Output to file), manage data in the file and import the file again (see Import Items).

Edit query

A search feature in Perfion is a special kind of selectable feature where each item contains an API query. These items are used for views, filters and predefined searches set up as left-side categorizers.

When you select a search feature in the feature list, the list of related items looks like any other list of items. For search items, however, the right-click menu contains an extra option called Edit Query:


When you choose this option, the query related to the search item is shown in an editor. Here you can update or change the query to match your preferences:

TECH NOTE: To ensure query integrity, a query can only be saved if it is valid xml or json format, otherwise an error message will be displayed.



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