Item Relations

Item Relations


The purpose of the Item Relations tool is to allow users to do “reverse lookups” on selectable values and discover where values are used.

Example: This product is red. Show me all other products with the color “red”.

Activating the Item Relations tool

The Item Relations tool can be activated from the context menu on any selectable value in any grid.


In this example, the first product in the list is assigned to Jesper. By right-clicking “Jesper” and choosing “View Relations”, we will see a list of all other products assigned to Jesper:



Understanding the Item Relations tool

Selected Value(s)

In the Selected Value(s) panel on the left you see the values you selected in grid before activating the tool. This can be one value (as shown above), or it can be multiple values as seen here:



Item Relations

In the right-side grid you see a list of all items where one or more of the selected values are used:





The grid has three columns:


Base value of items where one of the selected values are used.


NOTE: Items on the list are grouped according to their base feature. In the example above, all 85 items on the list have base feature = “Product”

Related Value(s)

This column shows which selected value is used on the item

Relation Type

This column shows the name of the feature in which the selected value is used

NOTE: In most cases, the feature name in this column will be identical to the feature from which you selected values in the original grid. BUT, if you have “identity inherited” features in your Perfion data model (where some selectable features inherit their list of value-items from a parent), you can see something like the screenshot above.

In the above example, the value “Aluminium” is used in the feature “Color” on three items and in the feature “Interior Color” on two items. This is possible because Color and Interior Color have been constructed like this (in “Features”) and as such use the same value list:



Working with the Item Relations tool

Consider this example. From you image library you want to get an overview of where a specific image is used. You right-click the image and choose “View Relations” and see this:



The Item Relations tool tells you, that the image is used on one Catalog nodes, seven Product items and one Website node. It also tells you, that the image is used in three different features (Sub chapter image, Lifestyle Images and Web lifestyle Image). With this result, you have a clear understanding of consequences related to changing or deleting the image.

Open Item

If you need to inspect one of the related items more carefully, you can right-click the item name on the list and open the item editor:



Filter by Value

The Filter by Value option allows you to filter the list of related items. If you want to focus on “Lifestyle Images” you can go from this:


…to this:


Notice that the Filter button in the selected. To clear the filter, press the adjacent “Clear Filters” button.


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