Filtered Values

Filtered Values


The purpose of Filtered Values is to filter the allowed values for a selectable feature based upon the actual value of another selectable feature. In this example, allowed colors on a product are filtered based on the category the product is in:


The dependent/filtered feature is called the filtered feature and the feature on which it is dependent upon is called the controlling feature. A configuration of the relationship between a controlling and a filtered feature is defined for a base feature; i.e. different configurations can exists for same controlling/filtered feature pair for different base features.

When a filtered values configuration exists and is enabled various places in the system uses this configuration to adjust/filter allowed values for the filtered feature. The following is using the Filtered Values configurations:

  • Main grid

  • Item Editor

  • Drag & drop

  • Copy/Paste

  • Restore previous values

  • Perfion API

Filtered Values Setup

The Filtered Values Setup can be accessed from the Tools main menu by choosing the 'Filtered Values' menu item. In the Filtered Values Setup the configurations can be handled. A Filtered Values configuration is defined for a base feature, a controlling feature and a filtered feature.



Create configuration

A new configuration can be defined pressing the 'New' button and a create wizard is opened

The first step is to select a base feature. A base feature can have many configurations.

Next step is to select a controlling feature. A controlling feature can be used in many configurations for a base feature and can be used in many configurations for several base features.

Final step is to select a filtered feature. A filtered feature can only be used one time for a base feature but can also be used one time in other base features; i.e. a filtered feature can be used in one configuration per base feature.

By pressing 'Create' a new configuration is defined.

Initially all filtered feature values are checked and allowed for all controlling feature values. By selecting different controlling feature values the allowed filtered feature values for the controlling feature value can be configured.

Edit and Delete configuration

By selecting a row in the 'Filtered Values Setup'

The selected configuration can be edited or deleted by either pressing the ‘Edit' button or the 'Delete’ button.

Enable/disable configuration

By selecting a row in the 'Filtered Values Setup'

The selected configuration can be enabled/disabled by toggling the 'Enabled' column value. If a configuration is disabled it will not be active when allowed values are checked for the filtered feature.

Multi-level Filtered Values

Filtered values can also be set up in multiple levels. As an example, you want Country to control Region, and Region should control City. With a multi-level filtered values setup, you can make sure that values in these three features always relate correctly to each other.

Multi-level filtered features are simply set up as two or more individual configurations. Example:

  • The first configuration is used to manage relationships between Countries and Regions

  • The second configuration is used to manage relationships between Regions and Cities

Users will now only be allowed to select a region in the selected country and a city in the selected region:

Export Filtered Values configuration

Please refer to ‘Import / Export Filtered Values Configuration' in 'Import And Export’ documentation for details on this.

Import Filtered Values configuration

Please refer to ‘Import / Export Filtered Values Configuration' in 'Import And Export’ documentation for details on this.

Query of invalid filtered values using Perfion API

Even though the system should prevent invalid filtered values it can still happen. In order to handle this it is possible to query invalid values using the Perfion API. These can be used in dashboards as below.

Please refer to ‘Perfion Query Reference’ documentation on ‘Where’ clause operators for details on this.



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