



In Channels you can manage the structure of a channel, the metadata related to channel nodes and the items related to a channel node. Start by selecting a channel from the main menu:

Manage channel structure

In the left grid, you can manage the structure of the channel. Here you can add and delete channel nodes, reorder channel nodes, create hierarchies, etc. This is all done using the same tools as described in section Managing items.

Manage channel metadata

In the left grid you can also manage metadata related to each channel node. This is done using the same editing tools as described in sections Managing item data - single-cell editing and forward.

Add related items

In the right grid you see items related to the node you have selected in the left grid. Click the + icon in the toolbar to add new items:


This opens a modal overlay where you can select the items you want to add:

Remove related items

To remove items from the channel node, select them in the right grid and click Remove Item(s) from [channel node] from the right-click menu:

TECH NOTE: Removing an item from a channel node only removes the relationship between the item and the node. The item itself (and its data) is unaffected by this operation

Edit data for related items

The right grid allows you to edit data for the related items using the tools described in sections Managing item data - single-cell editing and forward.




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