Main grid
The items you select in the left-side navigation- and search pane are loaded in the main grid. This article explains how you use the main grid to manage items and data.
Main grid toolbar
The toolbar at the top of main grid allows you to customize what you see in the grid and how you see it. We will go through these options first because they are essential tools to understand before you start to manage data.
Expand all/Collapse all
Expand all will expand the item hierarchy to the deepest level. Collapse all will collapse the item hierarchy to the highest level (“roots”).
TECH NOTE: Buttons to expand all/collapse all are disabled if grid contains more than 1.000 items
Four different Layout options are available.
Table layout is the most condensed layout leaving room for max number of items in the grid. Table layout shows data for each item in a single line. Images are not shown; they are listed with their file name. All data can be edited in table layout.
Grid layout reserves extra height to present each item. This extra height makes it possible to show images visually rather than their file names. All data can be edited in grid layout.
Dynamic layout automatically adjusts the height of each row to make sure all content is shown. This is valuable when working with texts or multivalue features with many values.
Card layout presents items in a single-column card format that respects hierarchies. A card can show up to four values for each item (in this example, an image, the item’s base value and the item name). Data cannot be edited in card layout. The purpose of having cards will become clear when drag-drop and work modes are explained later in this user guide.
TECH NOTE: Values shown in the card are controlled via the Compact View, which is configured by your administrator.
Cards are presented differently when base feature is an image AND the image feature does not allow hierarchies. In this case, cards show larger images in a multi-column format like this:
Views are known from the Windows client. They are basically sets of columns grouped together for specific purposes. To select a view, click the View drop-down in the toolbar and find the view you need:
The following view types can be selected:
Simple | Removes all columns except the base value |
All | Loads all columns in the configuration of the item |
Standard Views | Contains the Perfion standard views (Item, Family Group, etc.). The columns related to each standard view are configured by your Perfion administrator |
Group Views | Group Views correspond to the grouping of data you see in the item editor. The columns related to each group view are configured by your Perfion administrator |
Customized Views (optional) | Customized views are only available if enabled by your Perfion Administrator. Customized views are created and saved by you (if you have the needed permissions) or by another Perfion user. Custom views are shared between all users. To create and save a customized view, use the Column Chooser. |
From the 3-dot menu inside the view selector you have the option to Manage Customized Views:
This opens a grid overlay where you can organize or delete existing views. You can even modify the API query that controls the features included in the view:
Column Chooser
With the Column Chooser you can customize the columns you see in grid. Start by clicking the Column Choose icon in the toolbar:
In the Column Chooser dialogue, you see all available features in the left pane and all selected columns (corresponding to the current view in grid) in the right pane. In this dialogue you have the following option:
Add a column | Click a feature name in the left pane. This will add the column at the bottom of the list in the right pane |
Reorder columns | Columns in the right pane can be reordered by dragging a column into its new position |
Remove column | A column can be removed from the view by hovering the column in the right pane and clicking the X that appears |
Show all | The left pane by default shows features configured on the base feature in grid. If you click Show All in the toolbar of the Column Chooser, all features in Perfion will be available for selection |
TECH NOTE: The Column Chooser only show features the user has at least read permissions to
Saving a new view
When a view has been changed with the Column Chooser, the View drop-down will show a * and a Save-icon will appear. Click the Save-icon to save the view under a new name (or type the current name again to overwrite the existing view).
Show Family
If you search or filter for specific items, they will be shown in grid without their parent(s) if parent(s) do not match the search criteria. In these situations, Show Family comes in handy. It has two options to bring parent(s) into the grid like this:
Actual search result
Only items specifically matching the search result are shown:
Show Parents
With Show Parents activated, all parents up to highest level are added to the grid. Base value of added parents are shown in italics:
Show Parents and Siblings
With Show Parents and Siblings activated, all parents up to highest level + all direct siblings to items in the original search result are added to the grid. Base value of added parents and siblings are shown in italics:
With the filter buttons, you can apply and remove a predefined filter or build your own filter. Click “Select Filter” or use shortcut CTRL+ALT+K to open the filter editor:
From the left panel, you can select a predefined filter. Click the filter name to see filter criteria in the right panel:
In this example, three criteria are included in the filter:
Brand = 0 // Only normal items will be returned (virtual items are excluded)
String != DUMMY // Base value must not be equal to DUMMY
Website HAS // A value exists in the Website feature
When you click “Apply”, the item list in the grid is filtered accordingly:
Notice that the View selector shows “Defined by Filter”. This means that the predefined filter contains information about which columns to load in grid when the filter is applied.
To clear the applied filter, click the Clear Filter button or use shortcut CTRL+ALT+L.
Build your own filter
As an alternative to applying a predefined filter, you can build your own filter. Start by clicking the Select Filter button in the toolbar. This opens the Filter editor and preselect “[New]” in the left panel:
In the right panel you see an empty criteria row. You must now select a feature in the first column, an operator in the second column and specify a value in the third column (depending on the selected operator). In the operator column, you can choose between these operators:
= | Value on item must match exactly (no wildcards allowed) |
!= | Value on item must be different from |
> | Value on item must be larger than |
>= | Value on item must be larger than or equal to |
< | Value on item must be smaller than |
<= | Value on item must be smaller than or equal to |
LIKE | Value on item must match exactly (wildcard % allowed)
Notes: LIKE works the same as “=” if no wildcard is applied. If wildcard % is added after search value (e.g. ABC%), the value on item must begin with ABC If wildcard % is added before search value (e.g. %ABC), the value on item must end with ABC |
NOT LIKE | Opposite to LIKE |
MATCH | Value on item must contain specified value (wildcard * allowed)
Notes: If wildcard * is added after search value (e.g. ABC*), the value on item must begin with ABC If wildcard % is added before search value (e.g. *ABC), the value on item must end with ABC |
NOT MATCH | Opposite to MATCH |
IN | Value on item must be any of specified values (no wildcards allowed)
Notes: Use semicolon (;) as separator between values. If you type 8;12;20 in the value column, filter will return items with 8 or 12 or 20 as value |
NOT IN | Opposite to IN |
HAS | Item must have a value
Notes: HAS does not need/use a value. Any value you type in the third column is ignored |
NOT HAS | Opposite to HAS |
BETWEEN | Value on item must be between two specified values
Notes: Use BETWEEN on numeric features only. Use semicolon (;) as separator between values. If you type 8;12 in the value column, filter will return items with values between 8 and 12 (both end-values included) |
IN HIERARCHY OF | Value on item must be identical to or a child/grand child of the specified value
Notes: Use IN HIERARCHY OF on selectable features with a hierarchy. If you type Cooking in the value column, filter will return items with value Cooking or any child/grand child of Cooking. |
Manage Filters
From the 3-dot menu inside the filter selector you have the option to Manage Filters:
This opens a grid overlay where you can organize or delete existing filters. You can even modify the API query that controls the filter:
Multilanguage in grid
By default, the grid only shows data in your data language (see chapter User Settings). This saves space and is useful in many work scenarios. It looks like this (notice how Dynamic layout has been selected to see full texts):
Localized explicit features
If you need to manage translations for localized explicit features, you can add additional languages to grid. This is done with the language selector in the toolbar (the Globe-icon). Check the additional languages you need to add them to the grid. Notice how Subheader and Description now appears in English and German: