Item Editor and Item Details

Item Editor and Item Details



The Item Editor and the Item Details work mode are both item centric editing tools. They focus on one item at the time and allows you to manage all data for the selected item.


Item Editor

Any item in a grid can be opened in an item editor. To do so, select Open Item from the item’s right-click menu or use the shortcut CTRL+Enter:


This will open the item in an item editor. The item editor will open with the user’s default top view group preselected (Masterdata in the example below).

Please refer to the article Administration Menu for information about setting default group for users.

You can open multiple item editor windows at the same time. Item editor windows can be dragged (top bar) and resized (bottom right corner) as shown by the red circles in the screenshot below).

Feature groups

Features are grouped in so-called “Top View Groups”. These are available in the main menu on the left. Notice the following:

  • “Show all” loads all data on the item

  • Clicking a specific group loads only data from the selected group

  • The item editor remembers the last group you selected. When you close and open the item editor again, the last selected group is automatically selected


In the top left corner, you can see which item you have opened. You can also see if the item is a child of one or more parents. You can move up the hierarchy and manage data for a parent by clicking the name of the parent item.

The item editor displays all available information (you have access to) for the opened item.


The globe icon in the top right corner opens a menu where you can select which languages you want to see in the item editor. Selected languages (and localized data) are loaded in separate columns as long as they can fit within the width of the item editor.

If you select more languages than can be fitted horizontally, the item editor switches to a “stacked” mode. In this mode, localized fields are loaded vertically above each other:

Localized selectables

The language selector also allows you to decide, if you want to see localized selectable values in the item editor.

In the example above, Color is a localized selectable. If you select one or more languages and also check Selectables, color values are now shown in selected languages.

Selectable values can only be changed in the primary language. When you change a selectable value in the primary language, all localized values will auto-update.

Managing data

Item data is generally managed identically to how you do single-cell editing in grid. Please refer to section Managing item data - single-cell editing for details. A few exceptions exist. These are explained below.

Selectable values

Selectable values are shown as cards in the item editor:

When you hover a card, you have the option to remove the value by clicking the X.

If you right-click a card, you have the extra option Open Item. This opens the selectable item in a separate item editor on top of the existing item editor (overlayed item editors become progressively smaller):

Google Translate or DeepL translations

The Item editor allows you to translate localized string- and text feature from your master language to one of the secondary languages you have loaded.

In this example, the Description must be translated into DE:

To use Google Translate or DeepL, simply click the Translate icon inside the field. This will immediately load a translation as suggested by the translation service it. From there, you can fine-tune the translation manually.

TECH NOTE: Google Translate or DeepL must be activated by your Perfion Administrator. This is done in the Perfion Windows client under Settings and require a Google Translate or a DeepL API Key.

Swap Relation Direction

In the item editor you may see certain features display a grid rather than a normal input field. This is a Perfion construct called Swap Relation Direction, and it is used to manage complex table-like data.

Example: The feature Light Configuration has been set up with Swap Relation Direction. This enables the user to add as many light configuration rows as needed and manage data for each row.

Filter features

At the bottom of the item editor, you have three options to filter features.


  • All filters work within the selected top view group in the left menu (it often makes sense to select “Show all” when applying a filer)

  • All filters work in combination (e.g. localizable AND Populated)


Filter features allows you to quickly find a specific feature you need to check/update. Simply type in part of the feature name to only see matching features.

Localizable allows you to quickly find all fields that can have language specific values:

Empty / Populated allows you to quickly find fields that are either empty or populated.

Refresh item dependencies and filtered values

Values in some features control visibility of other features and/or available values in filtered features. As an example, the Category value can control which technical specifications are relevant for the item and the Brand controls available colors.

When you update a value in such a controlling feature, the item editor saves and reload the item card to update available features and selectable values.

Save changes and close item editor

In the bottom right corner you have three options:

  • Save & Close Save all changes and close the item editor

  • Save Save all changes but leave the item editor open

  • Cancel Close the item editor without saving changes

Item Details work mode

As an alternative to opening an item in the item editor, you can switch to the Item Details work mode. Work modes are selected in the drop-down menu in the top right corner:

The Item Details work mode offer identical functionality to the Item Editor, with the benefit that you can switch between items in the main grid without opening and closing the editor. This makes it easy to browse through items and check/update specific values.

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