Windows Context Menu

Windows Context Menu

With the context menu in grid you can perform many tasks related to items and data in grid. This section will explain each menu option.

Using the context menu

The context menu is activated by right-clicking anywhere in the grid. Available options depend on where you clicked (“context”). In general, the context menu looks like this:

Add New (“normal” item)

This option adds a new “normal” item (barcode icon) to the grid.

Placement in hierarchy (parent-child)

The new item’s placement in hierarchy depends on where you activated the context menu. Three principles exist:

  1. If you right-click on an existing normal item (e.g. 1923-18 in the screenshot below), the new item will be created as a “sibling” to the clicked item.

  2. If you right-click on a virtual item (e.g. CHAMBORD in the screenshot below), the new item will be created as a child to the virtual (= become sibling to existing children)

  3. If you right-click in white-space in grid, the new item will be created at root level.

Categorizer value

The new item will automatically be assigned the current categorizer value. In the example above, both new items have been assigned the value Coffee Machines in the Category feature.

If you add a new item in a search result grid, the new item will not be assigned any categorizer value.

Default values

When you add a new item in grid, the new item will be assigned default values according to rules created by your administrator.

Example: In the screenshot below, user has created a new item. The new item has automatically been assigned three default values:

  • New = Yes

  • Technical Details Table = Technical Details

  • Assigned To = Jesper

You can overwrite/change default values after the item has been created.

Add New Virtual

This option adds a new “virtual” item (folder icon) to the grid.

Placement in hierarchy (parent-child)

The new virtual item’s placement in hierarchy follows the same principles as for normal items:

Categorizer value

A new virtual item will automatically be assigned the current categorizer value exactly like a new normal item.

Default values

A new virtual item will be assigned default values exactly like a new normal item.

Add New Catalog

Catalog item enables you to group items at a level above virtual items. This can be useful when running reports, delivering data to channels, etc. Catalog items cannot be created for Products, but the option is available for many other features. 

Example: In the screenshot below, two Catalog items (Main Catalog and Winter Catalog) are used to group all virtual and normal items belonging to same physical catalog.

Placement in hierarchy (parent-child)

A Catalog item can – technically – be placed at any level in a hierarchy. Placement then follows the same principles as for normal and virtual items. Best practice is however to use Catalog items at highest level.

Filter by Value

Filter by Value allows you to only see items in grid that have a certain value in a feature.

Apply filter

Example: You see four Coffee Machines in grid but want to only see those that have the value Piano Black in the Color feature. To achieve this, you right-click on one of the Piano Black-values and click Filter by Value:

The grid now only shows items with Piano Black as Color:

Notice that the Filter icon in the toolbar is now active. This indicates that a filter is applied. If you click the filter button, you can see details about the applied filter. Please refer to Windows Grid toolbar | Filters for information about this.

Remove filter

To remove the filter, click the Clear Filter button (with the red X).

Filter by “custom” value

Consider this example. You have some products with color Piano Black and some with color Black. You want to see items in grid with a color value that includes the work Black. To do this, you must edit the filter value in the context menu.

If you just write Black, you will only see items with this specific value. Instead you must use wildcards to indicate that Black should just be part of the value. The wildcard you must use is a percentage-sign (%). It works like this:

  • Black%                  = Returns items where color value starts with black

  • %Black                  = Returns items where color value ends with black

  • %Black%               = Returns items where color value includes black

Filtering by %Black% returns the items we want:

Notice that filtering by custom value is case insensitive. It doesn’t matter if you write Black or black.

Filter by Value on Filter…

This option will be deprecated in an upcoming release. We do not recommend that you use it.

Create Copy

Create copy allows you to create a copy of an item with or without its children.


Example: You right-click on THEO SLOW BREW and choose Create Copy. Perfion gives you two options:

  • Copy Items (creates a conficopy only of the clicked item, in this example THEO SLOW BREW).

  • Copy Items and children (creates a copy of the clicked item AND all children (in this case only X-634).

Choosing Copy Items and children, the result looks like this (subject to copy settings, see below):

Copy settings

Your Administrator can choose which values to copy when you copy items. This is useful when source products have values that should never be copied to new products. Examples of such values could be EAN code, item number, status, etc.

Example: In the above screenshot you see that base value (Product) and Status have not been copied. You must fill these in manually with appropriate values.

Create items

Create Items allows you to create multiple new items in one operation with variations on one or more feature values.

Example: You want to create a new Coffee Maker product with several variants (one virtual and several normal items). You know that Color is your variant feature. This is what you must do:

  • Create the new virtual item manually. In this example we have named it NEW PRODUCT

  • Right-click on NEW PRODUCT and choose Create Items

  • In the Item Creator dialog box, click Add Dimensions

  • Choose Color from the list of available features

  • Click Edit Options

  • Choose the colors that should be assigned to your variants

  • Click Create Selected:

The Item Creator will now create five new items (one for each color) and place them as children to NEW PRODUCT:

View Item Relations

View Item Relations presents you with an overview of all relations to the selected item(s) in the gridview. This can be useful when wanting to get an overview of where items are used in Perfion.


Example 1.: You want to know how many Product are currently having both ‘Red’ and ‘Green’ assigned as ‘Exterior Color’.

Example 2.: You want to know which Catalogs the Product ‘CHAMBORD | 1923-18’ has been assigned to.

Convert Item

Convert Item enables you to change items from Normal to Virtual or Catalog (or the other way). This can be useful after import of items or if you by mistake create a new item with the wrong type.

Example: You have created a new normal item and named it NEW PRODUCT. You now realize it should have been a virtual item. When you right-click and choose Convert Item, you are presented with possible types the item can be converted to:

In this case the normal item can be converted to a virtual item. It cannot be converted to a Catalog since Catalogs are not allowed in the Product feature.

If you try to convert a virtual item, you can only choose “Convert to Normal” if the virtual item has no children.

Group Items

Group Items allow you to group selected items under a new parent.

Example: You have created five new normal items in Coffee Makers. You want to group these under a new virtual. When you select all five items and right-click and choose Group Items, you are asked to confirm:

Perfion now creates a new virtual item and places the five selected items as children to the new item:

Notice: If the selected items are in a hierarchy (= they have a parent in advance), the new virtual parent item will be placed at the same level the selected items were at. The selected items will be moved “one level down”.

Remove from Parent(s)

Remove from Parent(s) enable you to move items to “root level” of hierarchy.

Example: By mistake you placed a PEBO item under the CHAMBORD virtual parent. To remove it from this parent, you right-click the PEBO item and choose Remove from Parent(s). Click yes to confirm:

This will place the PEBO item at root level:

NOTE: The PEBO item loses all inherited values as a result of this operation.

Open Item

Open Item will open the selected item in an item editor

You can open the selected item in an item editor with this option. The item editor can also be opened by double-clicking the item icon (folder or barcode).


Rename allows you to change the base value of the item

This option sets the base value of the selected item in edit mode. You can change the value or hit ESC to cancel the operation.


Replace allows you to replace a value with another value

Example: You want to replace the Color-value Sand with Cloud. To do this, you right-click a Sand-value in the grid and choose Replace. This does two things:

  • It selects the entire Color column in the grid  

  • It opens the Replace dialog

In the Replace dialog you can now choose Cloud as Replace-value and click Replace all. This will replace ALL occurrences of Sand in the highlighted grid-column with Cloud.

Open Selectable Item

Open Selectable Item enables you to open a selectable value in an item editor and edit its values.

Example: If you right-click the value Black and choose Open Selectable Item, the item Black will open in an item editor:

In this context you can see all information related to the color Black. In our example you can see translations of the base value (what is Black called in Danish and German) and you can see the RAL no related to Black.

If you have edit rights to information in the Color item editor, you can update the values for Black right away. NOTE: changes you make to Black in the item editor will affect ALL product-items, that has the value Black in the Color feature.


Translate enables you to translate the selected cell value(s) for a localized text feature from current session language to a chosen column language.

Translate can be enabled if translation is setup in Translations Settings (see Windows Administration Guide for translation setup). In order to use translate extra edit languages must be setup.

If one or more cells valid for translation is chosen the Translate menu item is enabled and completes a translation according the translations setup:

Selected cells are valid for translation if only cells for one language column is chosen (may not be session language), the cell value is empty and a text value exists for the current session language. The translation of valid cells are done using the current session language text value, from the current session language and to the selected column language.

Valid features for translation are localized features of data type string, normal text and rich text (and not for rich text format).

Remove from [Categorizer value]

Remove from [Categorizer value] allows you to move an item from current categorizer value to “Untagged”

Example: You want to remove item 13689 from Coffee Makers and place it in Untagged (= leave item 13689 without a value in the Category feature). You do this by selecting the item in grid, right-clicking the item and choose Remove from Coffee Machines. This will move the item from Coffee Machines to Untagged:

Delete Item

Delete Item allows you to delete an item from Perfion

Example: You want to delete item TE717209RW from Perfion. You do this by selecting the item, right-clicking and choose Delete Item. You are asked to confirm before the delete operation is done:

NOTE: This operation will delete the item entirely from Perfion. If Logging is activated in your Perfion installation (ask your Administrator), you can restore the item again. If not, the item is permanently deleted.

Previous Values

Previous Values allows you to restore a deleted value. This option is only available if Logging is enabled in your Perfion installation.

Example: There is no value in Brand for item TI907201RW. You right-click in the empty cell and choose Previous Values. In the dialog box you can see that Siemens was a previous value in this cell. To restore the value Siemens: Right-click Siemens and choose Restore value. This restores the value Siemens in the selected cell.

Recycle Bin

Recycle Bin allows you to restore deleted items

Example: Item 13689 was deleted from Perfion. You need to restore it. To do this, you right-click in the Product-girid and choose Recycle Bin. This brings up a list of Product items recently deleted. Items are shown with latest deleted item first. To restore an item, right-click and choose Restore item. This restores the item with all its previous values:

Sort (Ascending/Descending)

Sort allows you to sort items in grid based on a certain feature. Sort is only available if base value in grid is sortable (Product is not).

Example: You are working in Catalogs with a catalog called “Main catalog”. You need to sort the items in Coffee Brewers by Color. To do this, you select all Color values, right-click and choose Sort -> Ascending:

This will rearrange items in alphabetical Color order (Chrome, Dark Blue, Sand).


Refresh allows you to refresh all data in grid. This is useful to make sure you are working with up-to-date items and values.


Reports allow you to print a report or export data.

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