Windows Reports

Reports is a tool that enables you to generate printed reports or export data from a grid. It is available via the context menu:

Using a pre-defined report

The context menu will show you a list of available pre-defined reports. The content of the list relates to the base value in the grid (different reports for different item types).

Example: If you select “Productsheet (1 page)” from the Reports menu above, the Output Options window will open:

In this window you can choose a language and an image resolution. When done, click View. Perfion will now generate the report and show a preview:

From the preview you will typically click “Export To” or “E-Mail As”. These options allow you to save the report in different formats or send the report via e-mail.

NOTE: you can select multiple items in grid before you run a report. The report will then contain data for all selected items.

Exporting data

You can also export data via reports. This is typically used from a catalog structure when you want to export catalog data and related item data into one file.

Example: In the Catalog section, you right-click “Main catalog”, choose a report built for a specific export purpose and then go to the Export tab of the Output Options dialog:

NOTE: When you run a report from a left-side section, the report will contain data for all right-side items related to the clicked item and all its child items. In the example above, the report will contain data for items related to the entire Main catalog.

The Export dialog offers these choices:

  • Images

    • File paths Only (actual images are not exported)

    • As separate files (images are exported to file folders)

  • Excel

    • Data is exported in Excel format (cannot be combined with Images as separate files)

  • Xml

    • Data is exported in XML format

    • Compact Feature Metadata (if checked, feature attributes like captions, units, etc, are included at the end of the XML file. If unchecked, feature attributes are included for each exported item)

    • Include schema (XML schema is included in export file)

  • EPIServer Commerce Export

    • Deprecated – do not use

Click Export when you have made your choices. You will then be asked where to save the export file.

When the export is done it will look like this in export folder:

Exported data is saved in the XML file. Images and files are saved in separate folders for each exported feature.

NOTE: The XML file contains a predefined set of features. This is controlled by the report you selected from the context menu. Only your administrator can change report features.

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