Windows Split Screen Grid View


The purpose of the split screen mode is to allow the user greater overview of data in a section.

Split screen mode can be activated per section. All sections remember its split screen state when sections are changed. This resets when restarting Perfion. Each result view will also remember its loaded data, so changing sections will not force the user to reload any data. This also resets when Perfion is restarted.

To enable split screen mode, click the split screen mode icon in the top left of the result view section. The icon is a toggle and clicking it again will return to normal screen mode. Shown below.

When split screen mode is enabled, a result view for each categorizer/search will be shown within the current section. Full resize control is possible. Letting the user resize each result view by dragging the splitter between the views.

Different examples are shown below.


Split screen mode cannot function together with pinned result view. If a result view is pinned, enabling split screen is still possible, but the pinned mode will be disabled. Pinned result view can first be re enabled when split screen mode is disabled.

Dragging and sorting

When split screen mode is enabled, it is possible to drag items between them. Doing this will basically work in the same way as when dragging items from a result view to a categorizer. The benefit of dragging directly to a result view is that it allows the user to place the item at a desired location sorting wise. (This requires that the receiving result view shows data for a feature that has related sort order enabled).

It is easy for the user to keep track of items when dragging between grids, and the added sorting skips a few steps on how it would be done before split screen was a feature.

Below it is shown how the dragging works.

An item is dragged from the category “Coffee Machines” into the result view of the catalog “Coffee Maker”. The blue arrow at the mouse location shows that the item will be inserted below the item “TE607203RW”.

Drag result: The item “TE806201RW” is now included in the catalog “Coffee Maker” and sorted after the item “TE607203RW” all in one action.

Different dragging scenarios

In this chapter a list of some of the possible dragging operations will be shown.

Drag a root-item from categorizer item A to an empty white space in categorizer item B

Drag a root-item from categorizer item A to a specific position in categorizer item.

Drag a root-item from categorizer item A onto a parent-item in categorizer item B

Drag a root-item from categorizer item A into a specific position below a parent-item in categorizer item B 

Child-item from categorizer item A to empty space in categorizer item B 

Drag a child-item from categorizer item A to a specific position on root level in categorizer item B 



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