Method: Perfion.TrimToValidFeatureName ( … )

Method: Perfion.TrimToValidFeatureName ( … )

Takes any name as input, and removes any characters from the name that are not allowed to be used in feature names in Perfion.
This method can be used in conjunction with the Perfion.GetSuggestedFeatureDefinitions() method, in order to adjust the column names in a data source that has just been analyzed, to make sure the column names match the suggested feature names. This makes it possible to pass the data source directly to the IMPORT command, if the suggested features was also created.


string Perfion.TrimToValidFeatureName( string name, bool stripLanguageCode = false )

Method Parameters

string name

Name of a data column that you need to be sure either match or can be created as a feature in Perfion.

bool stripLanguageCode

If set to true, the method will strip any Perfion language codes off the end of the names. (Default = false)


Below example shows an Action that can be used to rename all columns in a data source to make sure the column names will be valid Perfion feature names.

Action Map - From











Name = Perfion.TrimToValidFeatureName ( Name );


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