

Executes another Action.



Name of the Input Data Source. Default = 'FROM'
… or …
Any string content you want to pass to the Action being executed (in case it does not match the name of a Data Source).


Name of the Output Data Source. Default = 'TO'


The Action to be executed.



Define an Error Handling Action to be executed if the called Acton throwing an error. After the Error Handling Action is executed, the main Action will proceed execution the next steps. The Error Handling Action is called with Data Sources from the excepted Action and the calling Action. If the same Data Source exists in both, the Data Source from the excepted Action will be used. (Introduced from Perfion2022 R1)


Define an error handling Action to be executed if the called Acton throwing an error. After the error handling action is executed, the main Action will end execution the next steps. The Error Handling Action is called with Data Sources from the excepted Action and the calling Action. If the same Data Source exists in both, the Data Source from the excepted Action will be used. (Introduced from Perfion2022 R1)


This Command does not use any value mappings.


This allows you to reuse another Action that you have created.
Below shows an example with several different Actions that are being reused in combination.

For the first EXECUTE.ACTION Command we notice that it will execute another Action named 'BMEcat Basic – Select'. Furthermore it must take its input from a source named 'FROM', and deliver the output to a source named 'RESULT'.

From the outside, this is easy. However, the Action that is being called needs to be isolated from the names of the Data sources, as they are named on the calling side, otherwise it would be hard to reuse an Action. This is done in the following manner:

No matter what an input or output data source is named when performing the EXECUTE.ACTION Command, the names will always be changed for the called Action where they can only be accessed by the names FROM and TO. This means, that if you want to design an Action that can be reused, it needs to take its input from a source named FROM and deliver its output to a source named TO. The called Action does not have access to any of the other named data sources out of its scope, unless they are defined as global data sources prefixed with $ e.g. $MyGlobalSource

The called Action can also introduce as many new data sources it needs in order to do its job, as these will be out-of-scope from the calling side, unless they are defined as global. If a called Action creates a new global data source, it will also become visible from the calling side and actually from everywhere until the starting Action completes. This is an alternative way of passing sources (as global), but it is not recommended since it creates interdependencies on names.

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