ScriptObject: ActFeatureInfo

ScriptObject: ActFeatureInfo

This object provides more detailed information about a Perfion feature.

Object Properties

string Name

Name of the feature

int ID

ID of the feature

string DataType

The name of the DataType in Perfion{Number, String, Date, Text, Image, File, Table, Search, Link, RelatedValue}

bool IsLocalizable

Returns true if the feature is localizable

bool IsInheritable

Returns true if the feature is inheritable

bool IsSelectable

Returns true if the feature is selectable

bool IsMultiValued

Returns true if the feature is multi-valued

bool IsHierarchical

Returns true if the feature is hierarchical

bool IsRemote

Returns true if the feature is remote

bool IsSortable

Returns true if the feature is sortable

Guid GroupSecurityID

The unique ID of the Perfion Security Group

Guid GroupTopID

The unique ID of the Perfion Top Group

Guid GroupViewID

The unique ID of the Perfion View Group

Object Methods

bool IsDataType( string type )

Returns true if the specified name of the type matches the name of the Perfion DataType. The name is case-insensitive, which can make it a bit easier to use instead of comparing a name to the DataType property.

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