Method: AppendOutValue( … )

Method: AppendOutValue( … )

Use to append the Value from the Input-row to an existing value in the Output-row.
This method is very useful within the SELECT.UNIQUE command, where multiple rows with the same key are merged together, and you want the values of the other columns to merge together into a separated list of values, as shown in the below example.

This method can be run safely without thinking about whether a value exist in the Input-row. If it exists it will be used, and if a value already exists in the Output-row this will be used.


AppendOutValue( string separator = ";" )

Example 1

// before call: Value="789" and OutValue="123;456" AppendOutValue(); // after call: Value="123;456;789"

Example 2

// before call: Value=null and OutValue="123|456" AppendOutValue( "|" ); // after call: Value="123|456"


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