Method: FillTemplate ( … )

Method: FillTemplate ( … )

Generates content based on a template and a Data Source, by looping through every Input-row in the Data Source and applying the template to each row, e.g. to create a list of items with various information about each item.


string FillTemplate( string template, string sourceName, string separator = "\r\n", string filter = "", string sort = "" )

Method Parameters


The template to use for each row in the Data Source.


Name of the Data Source containing the rows to iterate through and apply content from to the template. The Data Source must be of the Table type.


The content that is used to separate each iteration of the template.
Default: \r\n (carriage return + line feed)
If you want to generate html content, you might want to substitute this with a <br>


Optional expression used to filter rows, similar to SQL.
Example: "Cylinder=8 AND Price > AVG(Price)"
For more specific documentation on the filter-syntax, check the Microsoft documentation for the DataView RowFilter Syntax [C#].


Optional value specifying the column to sort and direction.
Example: "Price ASC"


Below example shows how to define a template in html-format, and include lookups of values from the input-row, such as {id} and {Value} and {ShortText}.

string template = "<a href='http://www.perfion.com?pid={id}'>{Value}</a><br><i>{ShortText}</i><br>"; string message = FillTemplate( template, "Items", "<br>" );

It is also possible to reference values from variables by writing e.g. {=$WebRoot} to lookup the value of a globally defined variable $WebRoot.
To make editing the template easier, it can be stored in a variable and defined using e.g. the SET command, and instead reference the variable in the above example code.

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