How to find license holder name and license key

How to find license holder name and license key

In Perfion 2023-R2 and newer you can automatically download your license directly from the Perfion license server.

To download the license, you need the license holder name, and license key. Both are available for all customers directly in the Boyum Portal.

Instructions on how to download and apply the license can be found here.

When using the license server to apply your license it’s important to make sure that the system task “Check for updated license” is running regularly. This ensures that the license is automatically extended, and that changes are applied automatically. The task should run at least once a week.

If you buy any add-ons through the Boyum Portal, you can apply the new license yourself immediately by going to Administration > License and clicking Download License.

How to find your (customer) license details in the Boyum Portal

  1. Sign in to the Boyum Portal.

  2. Open Customers > All Customers and use the search to find the applicable customer.

  3. Open the customer. The license holder name is the full customer name, and the license key is the API Key listed under the Perfion package they’ve bought.

How to find your partner license details in the Boyum Portal

  1. Sign in to the Boyum Portal.

  2. Open My Company > Details, and take note of the Company Name. This is your license holder name.

  3. Open My Company > Licenses, and find Perfion Partner License. The Installation Number in this line is your license key.

    • If you don’t have a line named Perfion Partner License, you can click Create New in the top of the screen, to create the partner license.


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