Perfion Release Strategy

Perfion Release Strategy


From a high-level perspective, Perfion follows a 3-tier release strategy:

Type of release


Main Releases


Service Releases



When necessary

However, this applies only to the “core” part of the Perfion software suite. There are add-on modules such as ERP integration modules or E-Commerce connectors, which follow a different scheme. These are detailed later in this document.

Please note, that since Perfion is hosted with one separate environment pr. customer, each environment can choose their own rate for adoption of the releases that Perfion makes available.

Main Releases

Perfion releases major updates to the solution including new functionality two times pr year: Once in the Spring (typically late April) and once in the Fall (typically late October).

The main releases will sometimes require a database upgrade to be applied, and the changes will often be more visible from a user perspective.

Upgrading to a new main release will most often involve a process in which it is first done in a test environment before production is upgraded.

Information about new main releases is sent to all customers and partners.

Service Releases

Following major releases, collections of bug fixes and minor improvements is launched in what we call a “Service Release”. Service releases are typically launched with 1-month intervals but depending on the contents the interval could be different. It is generally considered best practice to apply the service releases, and installation efforts are typically small.

Information about the launch of new service releases is sent to everyone subscribing to “Tech Brief” news on our website.


If an urgent error is identified, Perfion can choose to release a fix on a very short notice. Such a release is called a “hotfix” and is typically only relevant for a subset of customers.

Information about the launch of a hotfix is only sent to customers that are known to be affected by the specific issue solved in the hotfix.

Modules exempted from the “core” Release Cycle

Perfion delivers a number of add-on modules which do not follow the release strategy described above.

Each of these typically rely on the Perfion API for data retrieval and communication, which means that they can be upgraded/patched without any changes being necessary in the “core” solution.


ERP Integration modules have a separate lifecycle. Changes are less frequent, and the release planning will sometimes depend on the releases made by the ERP system itself. No fixed release schedule is published.

E-Commerce Connectors

Our connectors also have a separate lifecycle, which can be dependent on the timeline for changes in each ECommerce system. No fixed release schedule is published.

Other Modules The following individual modules have separate lifecycles:

  • Perfion Asset Portal

  • Perfion Asset Cloud

  • API Test Tool

  • Office Add-in


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