Supplier Portal - Actions

Supplier Portal - Actions

Supplier data can be manipulated via actions much the same way as Perfion data can be manipulated.

This document describes the new options in Actions related to manipulating supplier data.

API query language

An important tool when building actions is the Perfion query language. This has been extended with options to manipulate supplier data in the “supplier repository”. This allows you to insert new items into the supplier repository (= create supplier items), select data from supplier items, update data on supplier items and delete supplier items.

Please refer to Perfion Query Reference for details.


A new Action command called IMPORT.SUPPLIER has been introduced. This allows you to import items and data into the supplier repository just like you can import into Perfion today.

Please refer to IMPORT.SUPPLIER for details.

Use cases

Example 1 - import data from large supplier

Large suppliers may not bother to log into your supplier portal and manage their product data manually. Instead, they will supply you with a data file containing product data in their format and a zip-file with assets (or a location where you can download assets). This scenario can be handled with an action that selects the supplier’s data file, transforms it into supplier import format and imports it into the supplier repository. This way, you can still use the supplier portal to only accept relevant items from the supplier’s assortment and also use the supplier portal to highlight changes in the supplier’s data.

Step 1 - Use SELECT.EXCEL to select supplier’s data file

Step 2 - Use SELECT to transform data to supplier import format

Please refer to Supplier Portal - Import for details about how to format a supplier import file.

Step 3 - Use IMPORT.SUPPLIER to import data to supplier repository

Notice the use of parameters. With these you can control certain aspects of the importer’s behaviour.

Example 2 - Expose items to suppliers

If you want to control creation of items in Perfion and expose selected items to suppliers for enrichment in the portal, you can do that with an action.


When an action exposes Perfion items to suppliers, you typically want a setup, where the exposed supplier items are submitted (done by the action) and accepted (done by a role on the supplier) right away. This setup ensures that suppliers can see internal values exposed as read-only from the beginning.

Step 1 - Use SELECT.PERFION to select items to expose

In this example, we use the feature ExposeItem to find items marked for exposure. We also make sure to select Supplier Identifier Feature (SupplierCode), Supplier Key Feature (SupplierItemNo) and Category as we need these values to import items correctly into supplier repository.

Step 2 - Use SELECT to transform data to supplier import format

Please refer to Supplier Portal - Import for details about how to format a supplier import file.

Step 3 - Use IMPORT.SUPPLIER to create items in supplier repository

Notice how we use a parameter to set status for new items to Submitted. Notice also that we use a second parameter to allow the import command to ignore mandatory values. This means that the action can submit new supplier items even if mandatory values are missing.

To complete the intended workflow with this action, make sure all suppliers have the setting “Auto accept new items”. The items created by the importer will then be submitted and accepted in one go.

Step 4 - Use SELECT to create a dataset to update Perfion items

When the action has created the new supplier items, we want to update feature ExposeItem with value Exposed, to make sure items are not exposed again. We use SELECT on the original PRODUCTS dataset to prepare a simple import dataset.

Step 5 - Use IMPORT to update items in Perfion

Simply import the dataset you created in step 4.



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