Supplier Portal - Configuration

Supplier Portal - Configuration

This document describes how to configure the supplier portal.


Web Client and Supplier Portal installation

Before you start configuring the supplier portal, you must make sure that the Perfion Supplier Portal and the Perfion Web Client are installed:

Supplier Portal - Installation

Web Client - Installation Guide

Supplier Portal license

Your Perfion license file must include access to the supplier portal. The license consists of two elements:

  • Suppliers: Maximum number of supplier (organizations) you can grant access to the portal

  • Items: Maximum number of supplier items (across all suppliers) that can be created in the portal

Refer to this page for details about loading a license file: Windows Administration Guide | License Management

Configuration Preparations

Before you start configuring the supplier portal, you should consider the following questions.

Base feature to expose

You can expose one base feature to suppliers. This is the feature supplier will see in main grid.

The obvious base feature to expose is the Product feature. It could be renamed in your Perfion but will most likely have feature ID 100. This is typically the feature where you want suppliers to provide data. It is however possible to expose another base feature if this make more sense in your processes.

Categorizer feature to expose

You can expose one categorizer feature to suppliers. This is the feature suppliers will see in the left panel and use to browse products by category.

In many Perfion implementations, the obvious categorizer feature to expose is the one used to manage item dependencies in the Product configuration. If you expose this categorizer feature, item dependency will work out-of-the-box in the supplier portal. It is however possible to expose another categorizer feature if this make more sense in your setup.

Search filter to expose

Supplier users are able to search for items in the portal via a normal search filter. You create this in Administration → Filters where you normally create search filters.

Make sure to only include features exposed to suppliers (see Feature Configuration below)

Supplier Identifier feature

The supplier portal needs a selectable feature with “supplier identifier values”. Most likely you will have such a feature in advance and use it to select a supplier on a product. If you don’t have such a feature, you should create it and create a value in Feature Data for each supplier you grant access to the supplier portal. Example:

Supplier Key feature

The supplier portal needs an explicit feature to be used as key on each supplier item. This would typically be a Supplier Item Number. The portal combines the value in the Supplier Key feature with the value in the Supplier Identifier feature and use the combination as a globally unique key across all supplier items.

If you don’t have a feature suitable as a Supplier Key feature, you should create it. Example of a Supplier Key feature:

Views feature and Filter feature

The supplier portal needs two selectable search features to handle views (in grid) and filters (in dashboard widgets). Make sure you create these before you start the configuration below. Name the two features SupplierViews and SupplierFilters (or whatever you please):

SMTP server

The supplier portal needs an SMTP server to send welcome and reset password emails to supplier users. You must set up a connection string to your SMTP server as a Remote Connection in Administration Remote Connections:


When you have completed the configuration preparations, you can get started with the actual configuration of the supplier portal.


The first part of the configuration is done in the Company section (Administration → Company).

In this section you will find three configuration tabs:

  • General Settings

  • Main Settings

  • Supplier Portal Settings

General Settings

On this tab you define the name of your own company. This will be displayed in the supplier portal and used in e-mails when new supplier users are created.

You can also upload your company logo. This will also be displayed in the supplier portal.

Mail Settings

On this tab you configure how the supplier portal sends e-mails to supplier users.

Authentication Service URL

The value in this field must be the base URL to your Perfion Web Client.

Smtp Server

This dropdown shows a list of available Smtp Server connections.

E-mail Templates

The remaining part of the Mail Settings tab is dedicated to creating the e-mail templates used to send welcome- and reset password e-mails to supplier users.

The system is preconfigured with English standard templates, so you can get started without changing anything related to e-mail templates. Note that English templates will be used for all languages unless you specifically set up a template for other languages.

Follow these steps to set up an e-mail template:

  • Choose the template you want to edit in Mail Template

  • Choose the language version of the template you want to edit In Languages

  • Click Insert default template to use the English default template as a staring point for your customized template

    • You can also click Insert blank template to get a blank start for creating your own template

  • Change Subject and Body according to your preferences

  • Note that you can use Tags in both Subject and Body. Tags are replaced with actual values when e-mails are sent to supplier users.

  • Click Clear template if you want to remove the customized template and go back to using the standard template

  • Click Send Test Email when you are ready to test your template:

The Activation link in the e-mail is inactive when sending test e-mails.

We recommend you test your templates in various e-mail clients to make sure they look nice across the board.

Supplier Portal Settings

On the Supplier Portal Settings tab, you set up the structure of the supplier portal.

Service URL

The value in this field must be the base URL to your Supplier Portal.

Product Feature

Select the base feature you want to expose in the supplier portal.

Category Feature

Select the categorizer feature you want to expose in the supplier portal.

Supplier Identifier Feature

Select the feature with supplier identifier values you want to use to link supplier items to suppliers.

Supplier Key Feature

Select the feature suppliers will use to identify their items.


Select the search filter you have created specifically for suppliers to search their items in the portal.

Views Feature

Select the search feature you have created specifically for supplier views.

Filter Feature

Select the search features you have created specifically for supplier filters.

Primary Color / Secondary Color

Select two colors to use in the portal.

Feature Configuration

In Feature Configuration you select the features you want suppliers to see/manage in the supplier portal.

Start by selecting the configuration for the Product feature you exposed in the Company setup. Then click the Suppliers button in the toolbar. This will give you access to four different views specifically built for the supplier portal:


In this view you select the features suppliers should enrich with data. Exposure can be based on item dependency so that supplier will see different features in different categories. This only works if you selected the item dependency “master feature” as categorizer feature in the Company setup.

Many different feature types can be exposed, but there are some exceptions. These feature types can NOT be exposed:

  • Base feature (the base feature of the configuration is reserved for internal use)

  • Remote features

  • Related values

  • SWAP features

  • Selectable image/file features (explicit image/file features are supported in the portal)

  • Table features

Expose Read Only

In this view you select the features where suppliers should see your internal values. This is particularly valuable if you do not allow suppliers to create items themselves, but you control item creation in Perfion and expose selected items for suppliers to enrich. In these cases, suppliers need to see some internal values to clearly identify the right items to enrich.

Almost all feature types can be exposed as read only. These are the only exceptions:

  • Base feature (the base feature of the configuration is reserved for internal use)

  • SWAP features

  • Table features
