Feature Data Import - NEW
Introdcution and release versions
The new Feature Data Importer is introduced in Perfion 5.5 2024-R2. In this version, it is only available via the new action command IMPORT.FEATUREDATA.
The user import dialogue mentioned several times below will be introduced in Perfion 5.6 2025-R1.
Definition of Feature Data
Importing Feature Data is a vital function in Perfion. It enables users to import data from excel sheets, and it can be used in a multitude of ways by administrators to import data from other systems or as part of automations.
But what is Feature Data? Simply put, it is the data you see in the Feature Data section of the Perfion client. In Perfion terminology, Feature Data basically means items and their values.
Limitations on data volumes
The new feature data import comes with a set of limitations on data volumens. These have been introduced to make sure all imports are completed in a reasonable time without overloading available hardware resources.
The following limitations apply:
Type | Limitation | Comment |
Cells with values | 2.5 mio | The importer will not run if import file contains more than 2.5 mio cells with values. Empty cells and cells in ignored columns are not counted. |
Binary size | 100 Mb | Images and files to be imported must not exceed 100 Mb per individual file. |
Zip-file size | 1 Gb | If you import binary files from a zip-file (see section Binary features as values), the total size of the zip-file must not exceed 1 Gb. |
Feature to import to / Base feature
The most basic element of any import is the feature to import to - also known as the base feature. It is the feature you import items to. The base feature is selected by the user in the import dialogue or defined by administrators in actions.
In the screenshot above, Brand (BrandName) is the base feature.
Supported data types for base features
You can import data to almost all selectable features in Perfion (base features) but there are a few exceptions.
Supported data types (base features)
Unsupported data types (base features)
Related Value features
Remote features
Import files
Import files are typically Excel-files consisting of rows, column headers and data cells.
Rows correspond to items in Perfion,
Column headers correspond to features,
Data cells correspond to values.
This very typical import file contains four items, four features and 16 values:
Key Feature
The key feature is used to match rows in the import file with items in Perfion. The key feature is by default the first feature (column) in the import file. You can use either the base feature or an explicit feature as key feature.
The importer can be instructed to use another column than the first in the import file as key feature. This is done in user import dialogue or with a parameter when importing via actions.
Base feature as key
The base feature is typically used as key when base values are unique and you want to create new items and/or update values on existing items.
Possible column headers:
[BaseFeatureName] Example: Product (_Value is also supported for legacy purposes)
[BaseFeatureName]_[Language] Example: Product_EN (or _Value_EN)
[BaseFeatureName].ID Example: Product.ID (or _Value.ID)
[BaseFeatureID] Example: 100
[BaseFeatureID]_[Language] Example: 100_EN
[BaseFeatureID].ID Example: 100.ID
If you use IDs as keys (e.g. column header Product.ID or 100.ID), the importer cannot create new items. It can only update existing items.
The import file below uses the base feature Product as key. When this file is imported, values (ItemName_EN, Image and WeightKG) are updated for Product items with matcing keys, and new Product items will be created when keys do not exist in Perfion.
The importer will search for matching key values at all hierarchy levels (if base feature allows hierarchy):
If a single match is found, the item is updated (regardsless of hierarchy level)
If multiple matches are found, the import will fail
If no match is found, a new item will be created at root level (= no parents).
Please refer to Items in hierarchy for more information about how to create and update items in hierarchy