

Takes Input from the Table-format and imports it into the current Perfion application.



The Path to import data file (From Perfion 2021 R2 SR4). The same import data files supported like using GUI importer.
… or …
The name of the Input Data Source. Default = 'FROM'


Name of the destination in Perfion to import to. This can be either;

  • The name of a feature to import data to (e.g. Product, Category etc.)

  • If the name is preceded with a #, one of the special imports, which are either; #Features, #Configuration, #Actions or #RelatedOrders.

  • The destination can also be assigned dynamically from the content of a variable, e.g. by writing {=$MyVariableName}.


All parameters are optional, but can be defined to alter the default behavior of the import. The following parameters are relevant when importing data to a Feature in Perfion. Specify the feature name or ID in the To column of the Import command step.


Specifies how the import will treat cells with empty values, in case the item already has a value defined in Perfion.
Possible values:

  • KeepExistingValuesWhenMissingInImport (default)
    If the import-file has a blank value, the equivalent item-value in Perfion will be kept as it is (i.e. if it already has a value this will not be deleted).

  • DeleteExistingValuesWhenMissingInImport
    If the import-file has a blank value, the equivalent item-value in Perfion will be deleted to match the import-file.


The default behaviour by Perfion is to ignore rows with duplicate keys, as Perfion cannot determine which row would be the correct one.
If you do not care about duplicates and simply want Perfion to import the first row you can set this value to true.


By default Perfion imports all selectable values and automatically creates all the selectable lookup-values in the process. This behaviour can be changed by setting this parameter:
Possible values:

  • None (default) Fully automatic with no restriction - will create new selectable values

  • All Values must exist in Perfion to be imported

  • Selected Similar to All, but only done for columns prefixed with a $ (e.g. $Material)


By default Perfion imports all data using the culture set to PC where from the import runs. This parameter allows overwriting the culture used for incoming data parsing.
Supported values: all culture values supported by .NET CultureInfo.
Example of values: da-DK, en-US, etc.
Note that if parameter is defined but has empty value, then invariant culture will be used. In order to use the default culture from local PC this parameter must not be defined.


Import Features
(To = #Features). The following parameters are relevant when importing entirely new features (or other metadata to new or existing features in Perfion, e.g. Captions, Units, etc.).

No parameters are relevant.


Import Configuration
(To = #Configuration). The following parameters are relevant when importing a configuration of a feature.


Configuration ID to which the feature configuration data should be imported to. (Default value is 0).


Import Actions
(To = #Actions). The following parameters are relevant when importing actions to Perfion.


Behaviour when the same Action already exists.
Possible values:

  • Stop (default) - The importer will stop if at least 1 matching Action is detected.

  • Skip - The importer will only import new Actions, and skip all existing Actions.

  • Replace - The importer will import all new Actions items, and overwrite any existing Actions.


Import Related Orders
(To = #RelatedOrders). The following parameters are relevant when importing related orders (e.g. the order of items that are included in a structure of e.g. a catalog or other hierarchy).


Import scope filter parameter which allows limiting import to selected categorizer feature ID. (Default value is 0).


Import scope filter parameter which allows limiting import to selected categorizer feature item ID. (Default value is 0).


Import scope filter parameter which allows limiting import to the selected related feature ID. (Default value is 0).


This Command does not use any value mappings.


With this Command you can import any result in the Table-format into Perfion.
Results of Imports are automatically logged by Perfion in the import logging-tables, and a log is also added to the in-memory Action-log.


Please refer to the specific Import-manual(s) for detailed information and examples of how data must be structured, and how columns must be named in order to be imported.


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