Perfion Asset Portal - Configuration

Perfion Asset Portal - Configuration

The Perfion Asset Portal is mainly configured in Perfion. It is possible to synchronise Perfion File Library and Image Library along with associated information for the assets.

The configuration below represents the minimum requirements for a simple Asset Portal setup.

ECommerce System

First go to the ECommerceSystem feature inside Feature Data, there should be a value called PerfionAssetPortal. This is the system we will connect to when we set up our channels.

ECommerce Settings

Next step is filling out FileServiceUrl and ImageServiceUrl in the ECommerceSettings feature.

These Urls will be used to retrieve the byte-representation of the attachments and passed to the caller. These settings should therefore point to a correctly configured Perfion File Service.
The Url passed will point to the correct ID of the File/Image being referenced.

ECommerce Settings

ECommerce Searches

Create two ECommerce Searches which will store the API query that determines which assets you will synchronise from the libraries in Perfion. Once you have created these feature values AssetPortalFileSearch and

AssetPortalImageSearch right click on each individually to define the API query by selecting Edit Query (see below)

Here is a suggested query for Files; note we are selecting From the File base feature (FileDatabase in this case) and it includes an optional but recommended boolean control (named ApprovedFile). Of course, you can define any valid API query here, as long as you ensure you are selecting from the relevant base feature for the channel (image / file).

<Query> <Select languages='EN'> <Feature id='Value' /> </Select> <From id='FileDatabase' /> <Where> <Clause id='ApprovedFile' operator='TRUE' /> </Where> </Query>

ECommerce Channels

Define the name of the File and Image channels for the Asset Portal ensuring you choose the Asset Portal as the Ecommerce System.

ECommerce Mapping

Complete the ECommerce Mappings as below:

The first field is mapped with the feature names, the ECommerce output kind values can be seen in the ECommerce API documentation but is set to Context for the ImageCategory and the FileCategory.

Additional features can be defined in the mappings, however this is the initial setup to get Features, Categories and associated files mapped to the Asset Portal. For further details on how to configure the mappings please go to the eCommerce guide.


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