Perfion Asset Portal

Perfion Asset Portal


An organization may have the requirement to share product images and metadata with partners or other third parties. The Perfion Asset Portal is created with this specific use case in mind, and allows for a secure, flexible and quick way of distributing media assets directly from Perfion.

Key features include:

  • Distribute (product) media to partners or other third parties

  • Configure directly in Perfion, which assets and metadata to share

  • Single source of truth – updates in Perfion are reflected on the portal

  • Apply your own company branding and introduction pages

  • Create PDF printouts of selections of images

  • Define user access on category-level, monitor activity

  • Allow anonymous viewing for selected assets

  • Apply watermarks to copyrighted material

  • Download assets in multiple formats and quality settings

The Asset Portal is built as a separate add-on module to Perfion (it is licensed separately) and requires a separate runtime environment.


Perfion Asset Portal runs on the eCommerce API, so the eCommerce features and data do also need to be installed and configured to support the Asset Portal. The installation and configuration can be seen in the documentation regarding ECommerce API.

  • Perfion must be version 2019-R2 or later to use the Asset Portal.

  • The Service Layer server needs Microsoft .Net 4.5 installed.

  • IIS must have the module rewrite 2.0 installed and FastCGI.

Sync with secured Perfion API

From version 7.58.119 of the Perfion Asset Portal it is now possible to sync with secured Perfion API. This relates to the information from the guide for Perfion API - Installation Guide.

When you use a secured Perfion API, you must change or add three entries to the Asset Portals .env file:




"username" and "password" are placeholders only. We recommend enclosing username and password in quotation marks. You can copy the three new entries from env.example in the same base directory where .env is located.

Don't forget to clear config with "php artisan config:clear"

Hardware requirements

A Windows Server should have

  • at least a 1.4 Ghz Processor

  • 16 to 32GB RAM (for Image and Videoprocessing)

  • Disk storage minimum 50 GB (the larger the RAM, the larger you need Diskstorage for RAM paging, hibernation, dumpfiles.

For all self hosted solutions we always recommend to make a backup plan (Database and File), minimum daily. But that's up to the Server-Admins.

 All other requirements are platform independent.


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