ERP Add-in for NAV 2013-2018

ERP Add-in for NAV 2013-2018


Dynamics NAV 2013 is no longer supported by Perfion after version 2024-R1

Perfion ERP Add-in for NAV 2013-2018 allows you to quickly lookup related information in Perfion, from within Dynamics NAV 2013-2018 environment.

This document describes the configuration of Perfion ERP AddIn for the typical Dynamics NAV 2013-2018 environment.

If you have special use cases or need custom setup tailored to your needs, please contact your Perfion partner for more information.

FAQ regarding installation of Perfion Add-in for NAV


Perfion Add-in for NAV allows you to quickly lookup related information in Perfion, from within the NAV environment.

This document will describe the installation and configuration of Perfion Add-in for the typical NAV environment. If you have special use cases or need custom setup tailored to your needs, please contact your Perfion representative for more information.

General Considerations

A Word of Caution

Any changes made to you ERP system should be tested in a proper test environment before being deployed to the live ERP system. Please consult with your Microsoft Dynamics Partner about the changes required to implement this software, before continuing further.

Supported NAV Versions

The following versions of Microsoft Dynamics NAV is supported:

  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013R2

  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015

  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017

  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018

Supported NAV Clients

Only the Role Tailored Client (Also known as the Windows client) is supported.


The client computer needs the following:

Microsoft .Net 4.5 or newer.

Perfion Windows Client Application.

NAV Object scope


Installing .Net Assemblies in RTC

  • Go to Perfion Knowledge Base and download the file “Perfion-4.6 2019 R3 (build 4.6.xx)-Client.NAVrtc-[NAV2013-18].zip” (Current version at the time of writing, please substitute with the latest version).

  • Once downloaded, locate the file on your computer, right click it, and select Properties.

It should look something like this:

  • If you are given the option, check the “Unblock” checkbox and press OK.

  • Unzip the file to a location of your choice.

  • Locate the Add-ins folder of you Navision client. The default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\100\RoleTailored Client\Add-ins

  • Create a new folder in the Add-ins folder called PerfionAdd-in

  • Copy the unpacked files to the newly created PerfionAdd-in folder

Defining .Net Assembly Reference in NAV

  • Open Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment

  • Locate table 2000000069 Add-in and run it

  • Add a new line and fill in the values as follows:

  • Add-in Name = Perfion.AddIn

  • Public Key Token = 1fdff5e624d34e41

  • Category = DotNet Control Add-in

  • Press the OK button to finish and save the values.

Importing Perfion Objects into NAV

Open Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment

Go to the menu File -> Import

Locate the file Perfion.AddIn-2.1.4-[3.5.4785]-[NAV2013-2018].fob and press the “Open” button.

You will get a window that looks something like this:

Press the “Yes” button.

You might get a window that looks something like this:

Press the “OK” button.

You might get a window that looks something like this:

Press the “Yes” button.

You might get a window that looks something like this:

In that case, wait until the progress bar shows 100% and then press the “Close” button.

You will get a window that looks something like this:

Press the “OK” button to finish the import.


Defining a Connection to Perfion

  • Open Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment

  • Locate Page 81003 Perfion Connection List and run it

  • Add a new line and fill in the values to suit your setup.

Here is a short description of what each column means:

Code: This column is the primary key of the table. It should be filled out with a meaningful string of max 10 characters. It is used in the UI of other pages when selecting a connection.

Connection Type:

This column has two possible values: “Direct” and “API”.

  • “Direct” means that the connection will route through the local Perfion Client to connect to the Perfion database. Please note that Perfion Add-in requires a connection type of “Direct”.

  • “API” means that the connection will route through a Perfion Webservice to connect to the Perfion database. Please note that Perfion Release 2 NAV requires a connection type of “API”.

Login Type:

This column has three possible values: “WINUser”, “PerfionID”, and “User Principal Name” (available in 2023-R1-SR3 or newer).

  • WinUser - Then WINUser is selected when Perfion is configured to accept Windows Users (or Active Directory users) to log in.

  • PerfionID - When using PerfionID it is assumed that you are logged on to NAV with a username that is identical to a username in Perfion.

  • User Principal Name - when User Principal Name (UPN) is selected, Perfion will use the UPN to authenticate the user against the email registered in Perfion. This may be necessary when Perfion is configured for Single Sign On and users are synchronized from the Azure Active Directory.

Description: A short description of the connection.

Perfion API URL: The full URL to the Perfion API Web Service. This is required for API connections.

Perfion Image API URL: The full URL to the Perfion API Image Server. This is required for API connections.

Setting up a Mapping

  • Open Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment

  • Locate Page 81021 Perfion Add-in Mappings and run it

  • Add a new line and fill in the values to suit your setup.

Here is a short description of what each column means:

Primary Key: This column is the primary key of the table. It should be filled out with a meaningful string of max 10 characters.

Connection Code: Select the connection that will be used for the mapping.

Table No.: Select the table on the NAV side of the mapping.

Table Caption: This will display the table caption of the table on the NAV side of the mapping, once it has been selected.

Languages: This column defines what language or languages to map to, on the Perfion side of the mapping. Multiple language codes should be comma separated. Any mix of language codes that is valid in Perfion, will be valid here.

FromFeature: This is the primary feature on the Perfion side of the mapping.

KeyFeature: This is the sub feature on the Perfion side of the mapping, whose value will be used to match against NAV.

Field No.: This is the field number of the field in the selected table on the NAV side of the mapping, whose value will be used to match against Perfion.

Field Caption: This will display the field caption of the field on the NAV side of the mapping, once it has been selected.

Role: This is the NAV security role, that is allowed to use the mapping. If left empty, everyone will be allowed to use the mapping.

Integrating Perfion on the Item Card Page

  • Open Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment

  • Locate Page 81012 Item Card Example and design it

  • Locate the line that is named PerfionItemCardEditor, right click it and select “Copy”.

  • Locate Page 30 Item Card and design it

  • Find the desired location of the PerfionItemCardEditor and press “F3” to insert a new line. Then press “Ctrl + v” to paste PerfionItemCardEditor into place.

  • Close page 30 and save and compile.

Integrating Perfion on the Item List Page

  • Open Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment

  • Locate Page 81014 Item List Example and design it

  • Locate the line that is named Perfion, right click it and select “Copy”

  • Locate Page 31 Item List and design it

  • Find the desired location of the Perfion Factbox and press “F3” to insert a new line. Then press “Ctrl + v” to paste the Perfion Factbox into place.

  • Close page 31 and save and compile.



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