Release2ERP for SAP Business One
The Perfion Release2 ERP for SAP Business One is a standard integration between Perfion and SAP Business One, which allows Perfion items to be imported into SAP Business One using the Perfion API.
This document will describe the configuration of Perfion Release2ERP for SAP Business One.
The following requirements must be met:
Perfion Database: Version 5.2 or above
Perfion API: Version 5.2 or above
The Perfion Web Client must be installed, so that it is accessible from the SAP Business One server.
For instructions on how to install and configure the Perfion API, please refer to support Installation guide for documentation.
For help creating Perfion API queries please refer to our example page: Perfion Query Reference .
SAP Business One:
The following requirements must be met:
Boyum IT Solutions SAP B1 Usability Package must be installed.
Release2ERP is added in B1UP version 2023.12.00.
The Perfion Extension configuration can be found on the following path: Administration > Add-Ons > B1 Usability Package > Module configuration > Perfion Extension > Configuration
The configuration has the following fields which needs to be filled:
Field | Value |
API Base Url | The main url for the Perfion API. This is used both to get the authentication token (by adding /token) and retrieving data from Perfion (by adding /perfion/getdata.asmx) |
API Username | The username for the user used to authenticate against the Perfion API. |
API Password | The password for the user used to authenticate against the Perfion API. |
Using the "Test Connection" button allows you to check that the API url and authentication information is valid.
For example:
The above screenshot would be equivalent to using the Perfion FactBox url https://localhost/Perfion/
The Perfion Extension Item Import Setup can be found on the following path: Administration > Add-Ons > B1 Usability Package > Module configuration > Perfion Extension > Item Import Setups
Item Import Setups allows you to define which data is imported from Perfion and the mapping of said data.
You can have multiple setups for importing different types of products.
While most of the definition of what data is imported and how is contained in the two tabs "Query" and "Mapping", each setup also has a name you can define to easily recognize what the import is for and an automatically generated number.
Each setup also has a page size, which determines how many products are retrieved with each call to the Perfion API, which in turn can affect performance if set too high or too low. Default page size is 100.
You can also import and export your setups using the "Import" and "Export" located on the bottom right of the form.
The Query tab
The Query tab contains the query used for defining what data to retrieve from the Perfion API:
If you want to make sure not to import data that hasn't been changed in Perfion since the last import you can use [%LastImport] in a where clause of the query to filter out unchanged data.
Using the "Test query" button you can test that the query is valid and save the response if you want to.
The Mapping tab
The mapping tab contains both the record root node and the mapping between SAP B1 item fields and the XPaths to the values those fields should be filled with and any default value for those fields.
Field | Description |
Mandatory | Whether or not XPath needs to be filled out. |
Data type | The data type of the field. For fields of the BoYesNoEnum data type, valid values are no, yes, false and true. The valid values are not case sensitive |
SAP B1 field | Name of the field in SAP B1. |
XPath to value | The XPath to the value which the field will be filled with. |
Default value | Default value for the field if no value was found using the XPath (or a constant value that is always used if XPath is left empty) |
Skip on error | If value could not be found using XPath, there is no default value and this is not checked, then the import for the product will fail with an error message on the import result form. If this is checked it will not fail the import of the product, but instead leave the field for which this was check empty. |
Skip empty value | If checked and empty value is received from Perfion, then the field skipped. If not checked, then the field will be set to the empty value, meaning number fields will be set to zero, text fields will be set to empty and BoYesNoEnum field will be set to no. |
Schedule Item Import
The Perfion Extension Schedule Item Import can be found on the following path: Administration > Add-Ons > B1 Usability Package > Module configuration > Perfion Extension > Schedule Item Import
Schedules allow you set up automated import of items from Perfion using selected setups.
Note: This requires the B1UP Server Component to have been installed and email settings needs to have been provided during the setup of the server component!
Field | Description |
Name | This is your name for the configuration for reference. This is also the name that will be shown in success and error emails from the scheduler. |
Import Setup | Here you select the setup to use for the import. |
Success email | If set you will receive an email confirming that the schedule where run correctly. |
Error email | The email that will receive an error report if the schedule encounters and error. |
Server start time (24 H/M) | When the schedule should be executed the first time. |
Recurrence pattern | There are currently five supported types: Minutely: Run the schedule every X minutes. Hourly: Run the schedule every X hours. Daily: Run the schedule once each day on the server start time. Weekly: Run the schedule on specific days of the week on the server time. Monthly: Run the schedule every X day of the month on the server time. Only ones: Run the schedule only on the start date and the server start time. Last day of month: Run the schedule on the last day of the month on the server start time (hour and minute) |
Range of recurrence | Start: Start date of the recurrence. No end date: The schedule should never end. End by: The schedule should end by the specific date. |
Manual Item Import
The Perfion Extension Manual Item Import can be found on the following path: Inventory > Perfion Manual Item Import
Choosing an import setup and pressing the import button will retrieve the data from Perfion PIM.
If no items were available for import then it will give a system message to that effect:
Otherwise it will give a prompt with the amount of items found and ask if you want to import them now:
Pressing yes will start the import, during which the form will show how far along it is and the item code of the item it is importing:
Once done a result form will open showing which items were import, if the import was successful, what the item code for the item is and a message saying if the item was added or updated:
If an item could not be could be import then, then the message will give an error explaining why it couldn't be import and the exception column will show the full error message:
- 1 Prerequisites
- 1.1 Perfion:
- 1.2 SAP Business One:
- 2 Configuration
- 3 Usage
- 4