Sana Connector 3.0 - Debugging

Sana Connector 3.0 - Debugging

One of the most powerful ways of debugging your setup in the Perfion Connector is by using the “Debug ERP request” available in the Sana Admin-interface. This allows you to look at your data as it is presented to Sana. Do the results given to Sana look correct or not?

If they do not look correct, the 2.0 connector had the option to enable debugging files allowing you to see each step the connector carries out; which (simplified) consisted of these 5 steps:

  1. Call the ERP to obtain result

  2. Constructing the query used to call Perfion

  3. Call Perfion to obtain result

  4. Doing an xsl-transformation on result returned from Perfion

  5. Doing an xsl-transformation merging ERP-result with Perfion result

That way each sub-result could be investigated allowing you to get closer to the issue.

This option is no longer available in the 3.0 connector. When enabling Debug-information all debug-information (which is more or less 1:1 with what the 2.0-connector logged in individual files) is logged in the change log. This makes it slightly harder to get a good overview of what happens.

Figure 1 below shows an example where the “Test connection”-operation is called from Sana:

Figure 1: Information logged by the Perfion Connector for the “TestConnection”-operation

Debugging the connector using the output in the tracelog.txt, as opposed to using the files output from the 2.0 connector, is more cumbersome.

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