This method is, together with Setup, only needed for debugging purposes.
GetSetup | |
Parameters | None |
Sample request | <Execute method="GetSetup" /> |
Sample result | <Response>
</Response> |
Table 1: The GetSetup-method. The shown Setup-data are the default settings EC starts up using.
The EC API works internally by processing data using Perfion Query templates and xsl-transformations (From here called the EC Engine or just engine). These files are all embedded as resources in the compiled assembly named Pims.Dal.dll, which is a part of Perfion.
The ResourceMode-setting controls whether the EC API uses these embedded files OR it looks in a folder called “WorkFolder”. ResourceMode can be any of the following two values:
ResourcesInAssembly: This is the default value making EC run using the built in xml- and xsl-files.
ResourcesInFile: This will make EC use the engine files it finds in WorkFolder. Note: In order to use this resource mode you must supply a valid work folder (and this folder needs to contain the needed files. These can be output as described in section Setup).
This setting controls whether or not EC logs intermediate results so its results can be debugged.
DisableLogging: This is the default value. When this is set, EC will not do any logging.
EnableLogging: This will make EC log every request fired at it. Note: As for resource mode ResourcesInFile the enabling of logging requires you to supply a valid work folder.
When enabled log files are stored in <Work folder>\Engine\_Debug-folder. Note that each request logs files “on top of” previously logged files effectively deleting those that are similar named. This means, that these files are best for debugging a single request fired for example from within the Perfion Client.
If you are interested in “continuously” logging files historically (like usually done), take a look at the LogHistory-setting described below.
Note: First available in from 4.6 2019 R3.
This feature allows you to output log files “historically”, meaning that each file logged will be prefixed with current UTC-time. These files are the exact same files as logged when enabling log, but the timestamp added to the file makes sure that each file does not overwrite any other file.
These log files are stored in the folder <Work folder>\Engine\_Debug\History. In this folder you will find a sub-folder for each date containing log-files.
A view at such a subfolder containing log files from august 20, 2019 can be seen in figure Figure 26 below:
NOTE: Enabling historical logging causes many files to be logged and hereby requires some disk space if enabled for many days.
NOTE: Historical logging requires you to Enable Logging as described in previous section.
Together with either resource mode ResoucesInFile or logging mode, EnableLogging (or both) this folder is the one that EC writes to. See more on this in section Setup.