GetProducts is by far the most important method in EC. As the name implies it allows you to retrieve products from EC.
In this section, we will walk through this method and all the parameters supported by it.
GetProducts | |||
Parameters | Name | Mandatory | Description |
Channel | Yes | The channel you want products from. This must be supplied. | |
Keys | No | The list of KeyField values for the products you want fetched. If no Keys supplied, all products will be fetched. | |
Index | No | Index for the first product you want fetched. | |
MaxCount | No | Max number of products you want fetched | |
IncludeMappings | No | Specifies which mappings should be included for the fetched products. If nothing is specified here all mappings are included. | |
ExcludeMappings | No | Specifies which mappings should be excluded. If nothing is specified here, it is assumed to that no mappings are excluded. | |
ForceBinaryOutputKind | No | How binaries are output is controlled on the mapping. This parameter overrides that setting on the mapping and forces binaries to be output as specified. Possible values are None, Url, File and Embedded. | |
IncludeModificationDates | No | When set to true, modification dates will be output on all elements in result. | |
IncludePerfionNamesOnFields | No | When set to true, the name of the feature from which a field comes from is added to output. | |
IncludePerfionItemIdsOnSelectables | No | When set to true, the id of a selectable feature output to a Field will be added to the output. | |
RemoveUnwantedFeaturesByConfiguration | No | When set to true, a wild-card mapping will only return Features/Fields which are configured for each individual item. | |
OrderBy | No | Allows you to order products by a field- or feature-name. | |
SiteKey | No | Only fetch products that are in the site denoted by its KeyField. | |
CategoryKeys | No | Allows you to fetch products only in the specified categories. | |
ModifiedFrom | No | Allows you to fetch only those products that are modified after supplied date time. | |
ModifiedTo | No | Allows you to fetch only those products that are modified before supplied date time. | |
TimeZone | No | Available from Perfion 4.7 this parameter allows you to control in which time zone “ModifiedFrom”- and “ModifiedTo”-parameters are expressed in. Furthermore it controls the time zone used to output modification dates when IncludeModificationDates is enabled. If this parameter is not supplied, the time zone supplied in Settings will be used (See section Timezone). If no time zone is supplied here either, the time zone of the Perfion Database will be used. This was also the time zone used by the EC API in earlier versions of Perfion. | |
OutputMultiValueFieldsIndividually | No | Available from Perfion 2024 R1 SR2: You can now output multi value features mapped to Fields as individual Fields-elements instead of the default of Value-subelements or a value attribute. | |
Sample Data |