

Attachment works similar to images supporting the same entities, features and output kind parameters and is output the same way.

They will therefore not be described further than in the summery-table below.


What can be output


Supported Entities

a Features (Only of type Image and File)

r Attributes

r Literals

a Multi value features

a Localizable features

a Output Kind Parameters

a Site

a Category

a Product

a Variant

Sample Mappings



Sample output


<Product id="636" ecommerceproduct="983ST">   …   <Attachments>     <Attachment name="Manual" perfionname="InstructionsPDF" culture="en-US">       <Guid>861d65ff-de4b-4929-bfbc-5834be7c6f91</Guid>       <OriginalFileName>Instructions - Jug - EM77.pdf</OriginalFileName>       <Url> … Some url … </Url>       <Bytes> … Some bytes …</Bytes>       <MimeType>application/pdf</MimeType>     </Attachment>   </Attachments> </Product>


Table 1: Summary of output kind Attachment.

NOTE: The Image-features may be output as attachments. Doing this avoids the resizing that happens when outputting image-features using the Image-output kind.

NOTE: As for images, it is OK to create multiple attachment-mappings even to the same “To”-name. This allows you to add different files from different features to a single list in the EC Output.

For attachments, as well as for images, using the Embedded output-kind will add the Mime type to the output Attachment-element as shown in Table 8.

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