

This Output Kind was introduced in Perfion 4.5 2019 R1. In Perfion, urls are simply strings stored in either a String or Text-feature. When a string-feature is used an optional Link-editor can be used.

When output kind Url is used in the EC API Urls are output in their own Xml-element. Furthermore the url-value (i.e. http://www.stelton.dk as in the below example, will be prefixed by http:// if value does not already begins with either that or https://.


What can be output


Supported Entities

a Features

r Attributes

a Literals

r Multi value features

a Localizable features

r Output Kind Parameters

r Site

a Category

a Product

a Variant

Sample Mappings



Sample output


<Product id="636" ecommerceproduct="983ST">   …   <Urls>     <Url name="Link" perfionname="UrlToManufacturer"> </Url>   </Urls> </Product>


Table 1: Summary of output kind Url.

NOTE: In previous versions of Perfion you would output urls as simple fields, which still is fine, but from 4.5 2019 R1 you have the option of outputting them as indeed urls and hereby separating them from other data.