Perfion Reports Move To DB

Perfion Reports Move To DB

Reports have historically been placed in a file structure which all users must have access to. This concept has been centralized and converted into a database structure. A new tool (Perfion.ReportsMoveToDB)is created to move Reports and Publication from file path to the database.

Download installation file

  1. Download the most recent Perfion.ReportsMoveToDB from the Perfion support website.

  2. Extract all files from the zip-file and place them in a dedicated folder (e.g. c:\Perfion\Perfion.ReportsMoveToDB)

Run the program Perfion.ReportsMoveToDB

  1. Run the program named Perfion.ReportsMoveToDB.exe

  2. Select the path to the Reports

  3. Name the Microsoft SQL Server instance on which Perfion database is installed

  4. Choose Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication depending on your setup

  5. Enter the name for the Perfion database, and click Next.

  6. The summary dialog now appears with a summary of the chosen installation options.

  7. Remark: Reports and Publications will be duplicated be reruns.

  8. Remark: The Global Stylesheet will not overwrite existing values and only be imported if the Global Stylesheet under Settings is empty. If more the one Stylesheet are found, the first at the summary list will be used which is not necessarily one in the root folder.

  9. If you are satisfied with the chosen installation options check “The conversion has not been run before” and click Next. This will move the files to the databese



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