Shopify - Settings

Shopify - Settings

The Shopify Connector has one required setting and some optional settings.


The Shopify Connector can synchronize all products (Full synchronization) or products changed since last synchronization (delta synchronization).

Full synchronization

A full synchronization will take all products in both Perfion and BigCommerce and add, update or deactivate/delete all products in Shopify.

Delta synchronization

A delta synchronization will take all changed products in Perfion since last synchronization and add, update or deactivate/delete the products in Shopify. To detect changed products the mapped feature to SyncDate must be cleared. To clear the feature use Item Triggers or Actions to create a functionality to mark products changed.


E-Commerce settings




ECommerce Settings


ECommerce Settings


TimeZone = utc (Required)

The time zone must be set to utc.

Parameter is required.

Languages (Required)

Perfion language codes (Case sensitive). The setting ShopifyDefaultLanguage must be defined to specify which language Shopify use as the default language. Languages used to translate values in the Shopify need also a Language Deviation in the mapping.

ShopifyDefaultLanguage (Required)

Shopify Default Language.




Comma separated synchronization types for Categories (CategorySyncType) and Products (SyncType).

Default value: Add, Update, Deactivate


  • Add – allow to add new categories/products.

  • Update – allow to update existing categories/products.

  • Deactivate – allow to deactivate existing categories/products which is no longer in Perfion.

  • Delete – allow to delete existing categories/products which is no longer in Perfion.

  • DeactivateOnlyPerfion – allow to deactivate existing categories/products which is created/updated via Perfion and no longer in Perfion. (Added from version 2.1.0.)

  • DeleteOnlyPerfion – allow to delete existing categories/products which is created/updated via Perfion and no longer in Perfion. (Added from version 2.1.0.)

NOTE: “Delete*” and “Deactivate*” cannot be used at the same time. If both are specified, then “Deactivate” will have priority.


Comma separated synchronization types for Categories (CategorySyncType), Products (SyncType) and MetafieldDefinition (MetafieldDefinitionSyncType).

Default value: Add, Update


  • Add – allow to add new metafield definitions.

  • Update – allow to update existing metafield definitions.

  • Delete – allow to delete existing metafield definitions which is no longer in Perfion.


Time in minutes between delta synchronization of products.

Default value is 60 minutes. 0 is no delta synchronization


Time in minutes between full synchronization of products.

Default value is 0, which is no synchronization.


Shopify locations mapping. Shopify store have locations which are used with Shopify’s inventory system. The inventory system tracks products/variants based on locations. If the inventory quantity is used in Product/Variant Mapping, the locations must be set via RefLoc_<label>.

Reference locations are defined using custom format:

“RefLoc_<label>”, where “label” is a unique label to identify the location. All location references must be unique per channel.

Parameter is required if Quantity_RefLoc_<label> is mapped in Product or Variants

Values: the exact name of location from Shopify (Options->Locations).


The Url must be in the new API format like https://<ServiceHostName>/image and not the old format https://<ServiceHostName>/Perfion/Image.aspx


The Url must be in the new API format like https://<ServiceHostName>/file and not the old format https://<ServiceHostName>/Perfion/File.aspx

General E-Commerce settings

e.g. Variant support and Images API. See the E-Commerce API for more information.



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