Feature Definition Export

Feature Definition Export

It is possible to export feature definition data from Perfion in two different file formats:

  • Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

  • XML (.xml)

For more information about file formats refer to “Import / Export Data File Formats” manual.

In addition to export to file one can also export data to DataTable by using Actions command EXPORT or by implementing a custom exporter.

Export Procedure

Feature defintion data can be exported using different types of Perfion exporters. Each exporter have different requirements so in order to see how data can be exported using the particular exporter, please refer to documentation for that exporter. The supported exporters:

  • GUI Exporter. GUI Exporter can be opened from Perfion application. Refer to “Import / Export GUI” manual.

  • Actions. The export can be executed by using the EXPORT action command. Refer to “Action User Guide” manual.

  • API. One can implement a custom exporter by using Perfion Exporter interface. Refer to “Import / Export API” manual.

Export Validation

Before export “Feature Definition Exporter” will validate Perfion data in order to determine if all data is created correctly and is suitable for export.

Feature definition export handles feature assignments to information groups. Information groups are defined by user in Perfion and it is important that this data is set up correctly before feature definition data can be exported. Information group data in Perfion is also localizable, which means that feature definition exporter should know which language should be used when exporting data (only if feature to information group assignments are exported, e.g. using export type “All”). In order to guarantee successful feature definition data import and export, information groups should fulfill the following requirements:

  • Information group name for language selected for export must not be empty if that group has any relations to feature definitions.

  • There must be no duplicate names for the same type of information group for selected language if that group has any relations to feature definitions.

  • Note, group names are case insensitive, so if the group names differ only in letter casing, then they will still be treated as duplicates.

NOTE: Information group data consist of “Groups” (security group), “View Groups” and “Top View Groups”, and requirements are applicable to all information groups.

NOTE: Validation is only performed to check those groups, which are actually used in feature-to-group assignments.

NOTE: In case of validation failure, the user will be informed about errors including detailed description which groups are incorrectly set up.

Invalid Information Group Setup Example

Figure 17 shows an example of incorrect information group setup in Perfion, which will not allow exporting feature definition data. In this example, the selected export language is English and the export will fail if at least one of shown information groups (groups 1-3) are used in feature-to-group assignments.

The validation of information groups are the same for export and import.

Figure 17: Information group validation for import/export

How to Fix Invalid Information Group Data

There are several ways how one can fix information group data in case export will detect an error:

  • Add missing group names (in Perfion) for selected language if they are empty.

  • Rename those group names (in Perfion), which for selected language have duplicate names.

  • Choose different language used for export. For example, by choosing German language as export language allows exporting feature definitions without any information group related errors if the data is like shown in Figure 17.

  • In case of import, different information groups can be controlled independently. If there is a problem only with one information group (e.g. “Top View Group”), then one can change its language to another one, where all group names are unique, but leave all other groups in original language. Below is the import data example where information groups are defined using different languages.












group 1






group 2

Note that in the table above security group data is assumed as valid and view group is not in use, while the top view group data refers to the same data as defined in Figure 17. It is also allowed to define each information group type once in import data.

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