Database - Installation guide

Database - Installation guide

Install Perfion database

The Perfion database requires a running SQL Server before you can install it. Follow these steps to install a Perfion database.

Important: Upgrading after 5.2.0, the SqlServer must be be using a default collation that is CI (CaseInsensitve) - DBinstaller will nok work if master/temp DB is CS (Case Sensitive). If you have an installation that default IS CS, you will have to create a new name instance of sqlserver that is CI.

Download installation file

  1. Download the most recent Database Installer from the Perfion knowledge base - Perfion Database Installer - Latest Version - Perfion Knowledge Base - Perfion Knowledge Base (atlassian.net)

  2. Extract all files from the zip-file and place them in a dedicated folder (e.g., c:\Perfion\Database)

  3. Run Perfion.DBInstaller.exe for a wizard guided installation or Perfion.DBInstaller.CommandLine.exe /help to install via a commandline/script

Install the Perfion database

Run the Perfion database installer setup package and choose ‘Install new database'


On the connection page, you set up the Microsoft SQL Server instance on which you want to install the new Perfion database and Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication depending on your setup. The user must be able to install a database on the specified SQL server.

Enter the name you want to use for the new Perfion database and click Next.

Database properties

On the database properties page, you can specify additional details about collation name, recovery model and the location of the SQL Server data- and log files for the database. In a standard setup all options can be left unchanged.

NOTE: Perfion requires a case insensitive (CI) collation. If your server default is case sensitive (CS) you have to choose a specific case insensitive collation name in this dialog (e.g Latin1_General_CI_AI)

Demo data

In the next dialog, you can choose if you want to install demo data. Click Next when you have made your selection.

Scheduled tasks

In the next dialog, you can choose whether to enable scheduled tasks for automatically updating the system license, database statistics, and index maintenance. These tasks are managed within the Perfion Scheduler and can be adjusted after installation.

By default, they run once per week. For large installations or frequent imports, we recommend running them daily.


The summary dialog now appears with a summary of the chosen installation options. If you are happy with your installation choices, select I am sure I want to setup the new database option and click Next to start the actual installation.

You have now successfully installed the Perfion Database. Click Finish on the closing screen.

Create SQL login and user

As a best practice, you should create a separate SQL login that is restricted to the individual Perfion databases.

Create SQL login

First create a SQL login (the username/password)

USE [Master] CREATE LOGIN [perfion-dbuser] WITH PASSWORD = '<strong password>' CREATE USER [perfion-dbuser] FROM LOGIN [perfion-dbuser]

Create SQL user

After creating the SQL login, you can set up a SQL user account within the Perfion database and grant it access.

Perfion currently require the database user to have Database Owner rights.

USE [<perfion database>] CREATE USER [perfion-dbuser] FROM LOGIN [perfion-dbuser] EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', 'perfion-dbuser'

Upgrading the Perfion database

Upgrading the Perfion database is similar to installing a new one, but there are a few important considerations to keep in mind.

You should make sure that no one is actively using the database, as this can slow down the upgrade dramatically, or even corrupt the database.

  • Stop the application server service.

  • Stop the web client (IIS) site and application pool.

  • Stop the API (IIS) site and application pool.

  • Make sure all users close their Windows client.

In certain situations, the database upgrade may take a considerable amount of time. Factors such as the size of the database, whether you are skipping major versions, and the number of versions being skipped, all contribute to the overall duration of the process.

During the upgrade, the installation wizard may appear unresponsive. However, this does not indicate a failure or lack of progress. It is a normal and expected part of the process. It is crucial not to interrupt the upgrade prematurely, as doing so may result in a corrupted database.


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