Perfion Database Installer - Version 5.4

Perfion Database Installer - Version 5.4

Version: 2024-R1-SR3 (5.4.3)

Release date: 21 August 2024

The Perfion Database Installer is needed to install a new database or upgrade an existing Perfion database to the latest release.

NOTE: The Perfion Database Installer requires the sqlserver to use CI (Case Insensitive) collation as its default collation - it will not work if temp/master DB is using CS collation. Workaround is to install a new named instance on the sqlserver with a CI collation.

Release notes

2024-R1-SR3 (5.4.3)

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Release note

System Task for update license will now retry failed requests

Previously the 'Update License' system task, which by default checks for a new license every Sunday night, would only perform three consecutive retry attempts if the request failed. The task will now perform additional retries.

2024-R1-SR2 (5.4.2)

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Database triggers has been refactored for better performace

A few database triggers have been refactored to only run if there are any changes. This potentially improves the performance of the system.

A few new indices have been added to the database

A few new indices have been added to the SpecsIX, ImportLogs and TaskLogs tables. This is to improve performance of certain queries.

2024-R1-SR1 (5.4.1)

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Various performance updates to improvae handling of database triggers.

2024-R1 (5.4.0)

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Action log messages was truncated to 200 characters

Previously any Action log messages would be truncated to 200 characters, potentially removing important context information from the messages. This has now been extended to max. 4000 characters instead.

Actions - All ignore flags on Action groups are removed

All ignore flags on Action groups are removed to let all Actions continue working. An ignored group will ignore all child commands or groups.

Database transaction isolation level changes

To minimize the amount of database locks used when reading and writing data to the database, Perfion now uses the Read Committed Snapshot feature of SQL Server. This is an optimistic locking mechanism, where SQL Server will take a copy of the data targeted for update, allowing other users to read the existing data without further locking. Note that the copy will, per default, be placed in the tempdb, so this change may result in more load and disk usage in the tempdb.

Length of Remote Connection configuration has been extended

Previously, the length of a Remote Connection configuration was limited to 512 characters. This has been extended to 4000 characters.


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