Ucommerce Connector - Release Notes

Ucommerce Connector - Release Notes


  • Updates to support Ucommerce v9.3.


  • Perfion Ucommerce Cache manager pipeline application.

  • Perfion Ucommerce Connector and all related packages were updated to use UTC time instead of local time.


  • Support for Boolean and Number Ucommerce data types.

  • Update to product/category/variant property validation and how they are updated in case the provided value is invalid. If the new value is invalid, then the old value will be kept instead of deleting it.

  • Logging timestamp updated to show milliseconds.


  • Migration to Ucommerce API v8.0.1.19053.

  • New option to enable/disable logging to Ucommerce database.

  • New configuration file boolean parameter LogToUcDb. If enabled, will write log messages to Ucommerce database which then can be read by Perfion Connector App in Ucommerce.

  • Support for Ucommerce Perfion Connector App.

  • Ucommerce related configuration files updated.

    • New structure

    • User name changed from "SomeUser" to "PerfionConnector"

  • Perfion Connector App implemented

  • Perfion Connector controller web service implemented


  • Category and product ID synchronization fixed to stop synchronization process in case of failure retrieving Ucommerce IDs for products or categories.


  • Ucommerce V8.0.0.18352 support.

  • EC API minimum version requirement updated to 2019 R1 (4.5.52) in order to support the new Perfion licensing model.

  • Ucommerce Connector synchronization manager updates:

    • The synchronization manager was moved to independent library and can be included into custom project in order to build a custom application. An example of console app project have been added to manual.

    • The synchronization manager was updated to stop Connector nicely. In the previous version the Connector was always abruptly terminated when, e.g. Windows service was stopped. The new version will try finishing synchronizing those items which it synchronizes at the moment (e.g. those, which were already partly synchronized, but not completed yet) and will stop the manager right after. In case this finalization proceduretakes too long, the Connector will still use abrupt termination after some grace period. In case the Connector is not in synchronization state, e.g. waiting for next synchronization, then Connector will be stopped immediately.

    • The synchronization manager was updated to allow custom application builders to request information about its status. The information can be retrieved directly from the manager or one can also subscribe to various events, which will inform user each time mangers state changes. The following information can be retrieved from manager while it is running:

    • If manager is running in manager mode or is executing a single synchronization request.

    • Manager's current state. The state information shows what manager is currently doing.

    • Manager's current error state. The error state shows if manager has some errors, e.g. if it failed retrieving configuration.

    • Manager's synchronization related states. When manager is in synchronization state one can get more detailed information about what manager is doing, e.g.:

    • Which entity is being synchronized, e.g. product/category.

    • How many items there were detected for synchronization, e.g. new/updated/deleted item counts.

    • How many items succeeded/failed so far.

    • Progress in percent.

    • Manager's sleep information. In case manager is in waiting mode, one can get information about when manager will wake up to do next planned action.

  • Logging related updates:

    • Logger handling updated to allow using a custom loggers with Connector. The only requirement is that the new logger supports Perfion ILogger interface.

    • The logger was made as optional, e.g. connector will work fine without any logger (not recommended).

    • Logging message handling updated to better report context and exception information

    • Warning type error reporting back to Perfion fixed for products and categories

    • Error type logging updated to include better explanations what happened

    • Debug logging updated. New messages for independent product and category synchronization start

    • The Connector as console application was updated to report what is happening in Connector manager to the console. When console application is started, it will show what is happening in manager in real time.

  • Fixed an error, when variant custom field synchronization may fail if the field in Ucommerce and Perfion do not match data properties, e.g. if field in Perfion is Localizable, but in Ucommerce it is not Multilingual.

  • Connector configuration file related updates:

    • Windows service and console application configuration file parameters updated. The parameter WorkDirectory was removed.

    • Connector console application was updated to handle configuration parameters in the same way as Windows service version of Connector. Console application have not used parameter default values in previous version, while in current version it will check if parameter is defined and will set default value if it is not present.

  • Connector as Windows service updated by changing service name, display name and description. It is recommended to reinstall the service to avoid possible issues.

  • PriceGroup creation/update fixed in relation to regional settings and number format.

  • SyncMsg parameter validation added to Connector initialization in order to detect the error when this parameter is not correctly configured in EC mappings in Perfion. SyncMsg parameter is sync update type parameter and must always be linked to Text type feature. Validation is valid for Product and Category mappings.

  • EC Settings SyncPrices parameter related validation fixed when it showed a warning that it is not turned on while it actually was turned on.

  • Category retrieval procedure for product synchronization updated to handle category related errors. The more informative error message added in case such errors occurs and also the max number of allowed retries added in order to limit resource use.

  • Manual updated to document some of the introduced changes.


  • Error fixed when there are no category/product/variant mappings defined in Perfion EC mappings

  • Statistics calculation updated.


  • Console application added.

  • Project references updated.


  • Various corrections and code cleanup. More testing.


  • First version.

  • Most of things work, except that it cannot synchronize images, because Ucommerce API does not support this .

  • Some tests were done to check that it works, but no extensive tests were made so far.

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