Example: Setup in Perfion and in Ucommerce

Example: Setup in Perfion and in Ucommerce

In this section we will show an example of fully configured data in Perfion and Ucommerce for use with ECommerce API and Ucommerce Connector.

The data in this example is setup using these concepts:

  • Two languages are used.

  • Example configuration uses all Ucommerce Connector related parameters. Not all parameters are mandatory, so this configuration can be reduced based on user preferences.

  • Image data synchronization is disabled.

  • The category data is set up so that it will have data, which will belong to two different stores. The same product in this scenario will belong to two stores at the same time.

  • Five price groups are configured in Ucommerce and price synchronization is enabled in ECommerce Settings.

  • Three product relations are configured in Ucommerce and product relation synchronization is enabled in ECommerce Settings.

  • Variant synchronization is enabled in ECommerce Settings.

  • Synchronizer can add, update and delete data.

  • Data in Ucommerce is set so that each product and category will have four custom parameters. Two parameters for images and two parameters of text type, where one is multilingual and the other is not. The variants are set to have six custom parameters, where three are image type parameters and three parameters of text type, where one is multilingual and the other two are not. Variant parameters can be treated, in this case, as variant options. Data was generated so that each variant data in those custom parameters are unique for each product.

Perfion Setup

Category Feature Configuration

Category feature is called “Website” and its configuration is shown in Figure 13.


Figure 13: Category feature configuration

Product Feature Configuration

Product feature is called “Product” and its configuration is shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14: Product feature configuration

ECommerce Mapping Parameters

ECommerce Mapping setup includes configuration for category, product and variant. The full configuration is shown in Figure 15 and Figure 16.

ECommerce Settings Parameters

ECommerce Settings setup includes configuration of standard ECommerce API related parameters and also Ucommerce Connector parameters. The configuration is shown in Figure 17.

Ucommerce Setup

In our example, Ucommerce is installed into Umbraco CMS.

Product Catalog Groups and Product Catalogs

There are two product catalog groups (stores) in Ucommerce and each have three product catalogs as shown in Figure 18.

Category Definitions

There are three category definitions defined in Ucommerce as shown in Figure 19.

All category definitions have three types of properties as shown in Figure 20:

  • Two fixed properties. These properties are not used in synchronization, e.g. when data from Perfion is updated in Ucommerce, data in these properties will not be overwritten or removed.

  • Two custom properties. CustomField1 property is multilingual of ShortText type, and CustomField2 property is not multilingual of ShortText type. Perfion will synchronize data for these properties.

  • Two image type custom properties. Both properties are configured as not multilingual Image type properties. Perfion will synchronize data for these properties.

NOTE: in this example setup images are not synchronized, but configuration is shown, which allows image synchronization, e.g. if SyncMedia parameter in ECommerce Settings is set to ‘true’ and support for image synchronization is implemented.

Product Definitions

There are three product definitions defined in Ucommerce as shown in Figure 19.

All product definitions have three types of product properties and three types of variant properties as shown in Figure 21:

  • Product properties

    • Two fixed properties. These properties are not used in synchronization, e.g. when data from Perfion is updated in Ucommerce, data in these properties will not be overwritten or removed.

    • Two custom properties. CustomField1 property is multilingual of ShortText type, and CustomField2 property is not multilingual of ShortText type. Perfion will synchronize data for these properties.

    • Two image type custom properties. Both properties are configured as not multilingual Image type properties. Perfion will synchronize data for these properties.

  • Variant properties

    • Two fixed properties. These properties are not used in synchronization, e.g. when data from Perfion is updated in Ucommerce, data in these properties will not be overwritten or removed.

    • Three custom properties. VariantCustomField1 property is multilingual of ShortText type, and the other two properties are not multilingual of ShortText type. Perfion will synchronize data for these properties. These properties are set up as product variant options and values hold in these properties for each variant will be unique within product scope those variants belong to.

    • Three image type custom properties. All three properties are configured as not multilingual Image type properties. Perfion will synchronize data for these properties. One can setup these image type properties, for example, as images for variant options.

NOTE: in this example setup images are not synchronized, but configuration is shown, which allows image synchronization, e.g. if SyncMedia parameter in ECommerce Settings is set to ‘true’ and support for image synchronization is implemented.

Related Products and Price Groups

There are three related product types and five price groups created in Ucommerce as shown in Figure 22.


The Ucommerce in our example is used from Umbraco CMS. Languages configuration in Umbraco is shown in Figure 23.

Example of Data in Perfion

As data example we will use only a few items to show how data looks in Perfion and how the same data looks in Ucommerce after synchronization. The data presented in this section is a part of larger data set, but the purpose is not to show the complete data set, but only some data, which would show how data can be created in Perfion, how data is related to ECommerce mappings, etc.

Category Data

Example of nine category data values are shown in Figure 24 and Figure 25. In this example there are seven categories, which belong to Ucommerce store Store1 and catalog Catalog1_1 and two categories, which belong to store Store2 and catalog Catalog2_2. Images in this example do not have any values, because they are not synchronized. All localizable features show only a single value in default language (en), but when data is synchronized, all other localizable feature values are also used based on which languages ECommerce configuration was set to use.

Product Data

Example of one product data values is shown in the following five figures from Figure 26 to Figure 30. In this example there is one product with three variants. All localizable features show only a single value in default language (en), but when data is synchronized, all other localizable feature values are also used based on which languages ECommerce configuration was set to use. Product is attached to many categories and has relations to various product relation types. Not all of these relations can be seen from Figure 30, but product is in 10 categories and has five relations to other products for each of three product relation types.

Example of Data in Ucommerce

The data in this section is shown after data synchronization.

Category Data

The same nine categories shown before in Perfion after synchronization to Ucommerce are shown in Figure 31.

NOTE: the ECommerce setup in Perfion has two languages (EN, DAN), while Ucommerce is set to use three languages (EN, DE and DAN).

The data of a single category (Category_1_1_00003) in Ucommerce after synchronization is shown from Figure 32 to Figure 37.

Product Data

The same product (Product_0000000175) is used to show how data was synchronized to Ucommerce (from Figure 38 to Figure 51).

Note, the ECommerce setup in Perfion has two languages (EN, DAN), while Ucommerce is set to use three languages (EN, DE and DAN).

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