Perfion Web Client - Version 5.4

Perfion Web Client - Version 5.4

Version: 2024-R1-SR3 (5.4.4)

Release date: 21 August 2024


  • Language variants on selectables: Validate selectable translations in grid and item editor

  • Multi-level filtered values​: Create multilevel filtered value “chains”​

  • ‘Default values’ and ‘Copy’ are now allowed together

  • SWAP and cluster remotes in grid

  • Export report XML​: Report data can now be exported for use in external applications

  • Additional right-click menus

  • Web client “Items” designer: The main menu option “Items” is now controlled separately from windows sections via a dedicated web client admin tool

  • Action management improvements

See more info in the release notes.

Perfion Web Client

Related guides:

Web Client - Installation Guide

Release Notes

2024-R1-SR3 (5.4.4)

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Release note

When using Global Search in the Perfion Web Client, an error could occur when changing to a section without global search defined.

When using Global Search in the Web Client, an error could occur when changing to a section without global search defined. This has been fixed.

Feature Definition editor issue

In the Feature Definition editor, the fields: Top view group and view group was mandatory. This has been removed.

Fixed issue in Feature Definition form

When creating or editing a boolean Feature, the option "Allow Tri-State boolean" was not available.

Id's has been added to Item Editor and Feature Editor

It is now again possible to see the Item Id or Feature Id (and data type) in the Item Editor and Feature Editor.

Sections and Channels tranlations issue

Both Sections and Channels where not correctly translated in menu's etc when using Italian language. This has been resolved.

Users with administrators group logging with Azure AD cant access Administration tab.

Users with administrator group logging with Azure AD couldn't access the administration tab. This issue is now resolved.

Not possible to scroll the import log box

It was not possible to scroll through the import log box, which is now resolved.

2024-R1-SR2 (5.4.3)

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Blocked CTRL-C on Swapped Feature cells

The user could cause a crash before, if trying to paste values from a Swapped Feature cell - now user is blocked from copying a Swapped Feature cell to ClipBoard.

Secondary language Selectable values update issue

When displaying multiple languages in the Item Editor, the secondary languages for selectable features, would sometimes not update correctly when the main language values where changed.
This has been resolved.

Web Client Expand Categories Arrow is not displayed


When the total number of items exceeds the page size, the grid displaying the items will treat all the items as child items and not differentiate between virtual items and there sub-items that way causing the problem.

Sending the correct property in the query resolved the issue and all virtual items are displayed as they should be.

Tristate Boolean not shown in Item Editor

Re-wrote Editor-wrapper to check properly for the Tristate Boolean condition.

Paged filtering in grid selectors

It is now possible to filter on all features in all grid selectors when paging is engaged.

Search query could not be saved

Long search query's could not be saved.

This has been resolved.

Unused {{ language }} brackets in language packs

They were unused, and served no visible purpose in the layout, so simply removed them. Solved the issue.

Assigning a value on a parent level removes the child values of the other cells

Assigning a localizable value on a parent level in the grid makes the child values in the other cells to disappear. The issue has been fixed.

2024-R1-SR1 (5.4.2)

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Feature validation issues in Item Editor

When having feature validation on a selectable feature, the Item editor would not be able to save.
Having a feature validation with an error on any feature, made the editor non savable. It is now possible to save the editor if the features with errors is not edited.

Restoring images did not always work

In some specific scenarios, image data was saved incorrectly, and prevent the restore of these data after deletion.
This has been resolved.

PSD image type was not available


When downloading images, the image type PSD was not available.
This has now been added

Select Action Command dialog issue


The Select Action Command dialog in actions has issue with its layout.
This has been resolved

Scrollbar not working in execute actions


In the action selector modal for executing actions, the scrollbar had issues and prevented the user form scrolling and seeing all items.
This has been resolved.

MFA login sometimes got stuck


In rare cases, the MFA login process got stuck preventing users from logging in.
This has been resolved.

Localizable issues in Item Editor


The Item Editor did not enable the save buttons when using the translate functionality for localizable features.
Also the "show localizable selectables" will now save its state so the user keeps the setting on or of.

Widget administration issue


When editing a widget, it was not possible to change or add a view if the base feature did not have a view feature assigned.
This has been resolved.

Localizable selectable ordering issue


When showing localized values for selectables, the multi value ordering was always alphabetical.
This has been changed, so that the primary language still remains alphabetically sorted, but the secondary languages are sorted relative to the main language.

It is not possible to delete multiple actions in one go


In actions, it is now possible to delete multiple actions in one click. Normal and virtual items can be deleted, but it is not possible to delete a virtual with children.

Untagged item shown in Channels sections

The Untagged item was incorrectly shown in some of the grids in channels. This has been resolved

Channel icons missing in the publish work mode


When using the Publish work mode, the channel selector did not show channel icons.
This has been resolved.

Boolean features not available on widgets


When creating or editing a widget, it was not possible to select boolean features for the Feature property. This has been resolved.

Drag Drop for items disabled for Perfion Users in Supplier Portal

All item drag and drop in the Supplier Portal has been disabled for Perfion users.

Disabled column reordering in the supplier portal

In the Supplier Portal, it is no longer possible to reorder the grid columns in the main grid.

Data refresh issue when editing grid values


There was a problem where edited data would not immediately display in the main grid after submission. This occurred when the edited feature's value was shown through another item via item dependency in the grid. We've corrected the refresh process to ensure that saved data is consistently displayed correctly after editing.

Swap related Feature issue


When using the filter editor/selector in the main grid, some unwanted behavior was present, letting the user duplicate some filters by mistake.
This has been resolved.

Issue in the Feature Definition dialog


When creating or editing a feature, there was an issue making the "Unique Values" option to be usable on other features than String and Number.
This has been resolved.

Binaries was not saved correctly


When saving a binary with a name that included several "." the name got cropped.
This has been resolved.

Multi explicit Image and file editor dialog issue


When editing a Multi explicit Image or file in the grid, the editor showed the value cards way to height.
This has been resolved.

Standalone item editor closed when clicking save


When using the standalone editor from the factbox, the editor closed when using the save button. This should only save and reload the editor.
This has been resolved.

Issue when creating a related feature


Previously, while creating or editing a related feature, users were erroneously allowed to select a multi-value feature for the value feature property. This issues has been addressed. Now the selection is limited to appropriate single-value features to maintain data integrity and conformity within the system.

Context menu improvements in Actions Selector


In the Actions sections, the left hand side Action Selector now has more options in its contect menu.
It is now possible to:
-Add new Actions/Folders
-Remove an Action from its parent
-Move an Action to another parent

Default values for selectable numbers in search

Solved an error, where the Perfion displayed the ID instead of the display value of a selectable number

Issue Updating Values in Grid on Inheritable Features


There was a problem where changing a value for a parent item did not correctly update the cached data for its associated child items. This led to incorrect information being displayed to users. The caching mechanism has been fixed to ensure that inheritable feature updates now correctly reflect across all parent and child items without discrepancies.

2024-R1 (5.4.1)

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Release note

Dashboard issue

When selecting a "piece" of a dashboard widget to see the relevant data, the selected widget was not shown to the left.
This has been resolved.

2024-R1 (5.4.0)

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Release note

Actions: Parameters and Mappings in wrong order

Fixed an issue where previously created parameters and mappings in Actions would show up in the wrong order.

Added roles to radio groups

Roles were added to radio groups.

Changed output to file default file format

The default file format when outputting grid data to file has been changed for .xls to .xlsx

Context Menu Enhancement for Actions

Added the ability to copy an action directly from the context menu for quick duplication.

Context Menu Enhancement for Actions

Users can now delete actions using the new option in the context menu.

Context Menu Upgrade in Items and Publish Mode

New Features in Items and Publish Mode:

  • Add Item: Quickly add new items.

  • Add Virtual Item: Quickly add virtual items.

  • Move Item to Other Parent: Easily restructure by moving items between parents.

  • Remove Parent: Remove an item's association with its parent effortlessly.

  • Delete Item: Delete unwanted items.

Customized view in Supplier Portal

It is not possible to select configured Customized Views in the main grid in the Supplier Portal.

Dashboard selection error

Fixed an error, where selecting another dashboard after viewing the grid of another, could give an error.

Dashboards in Supplier Portal

The Dashboards from the Web Client has now been implemented in the Supplier Portal. When configured by an Perfion Admin, the dashboards can give an essential overview of data for the suppliers.

Editing a Remote Feature threw an error

When editing a Remote Feature, the editor threw an ugly error if the remote could not be executed.

This has now been managed with a prettier message and the editor does no longer break.

Error when loading sections with missing language

Then loading the client and running with a language that a section does not have a translated caption for, the client showed an error.

This has been resolved.

Export Report Data

It is now possible to export report data via new right click options in grid. The functionality behaves just like generating a report. The report data is processed and made available on the application server.

Feature Configuration -  Default values and copy is allowed together

At Feature Configuration it is now possible to set Default values and copy at the same feature.

Feature Validation in Editors

The feature validation has now been added to editors in the Web Client.

So that the user will be reminded that the entered value is incorrect before saving the value.

Files could not be downloaded in correct language

Localizable file features would always download the data language version  when downloaded from grid.

This has been resolved.

Filtered Values did not work in supplier portal

When selecting a value for a selectable value, the values was not filtered as they should.

This has been resolved

Font change on Web Client And Supplier Portal

The font has been changed from Roboto to Inter in both the Web Client and the Supplier Portal

Going back to prior page in the browser gives issue in Dashboards

When in Dashboards, going back to the prior page threw an error.

This has been resolved.

Grid Context Menu Improvement

You no longer need to right-click directly on an item within grids. Enjoy the flexibility of right-clicking on any white space within the grid to access the context menu.

Import and Export Actions

It is now possible to import and export actions in the Web Client.

Importer now supports user credentials for URL import of binaries.

The importer now supports supplying user credentials as part of the URL when downloading binaries via http(s). Supplied user credentials will be appended to the http(s) requests as Basic Authentication authorization header.

Improved Report Generation: Default Language Selection

In the Web client, we've enhanced the report generation process. Now, when generating a report, the default language from the Super Query will be automatically selected in the 'Output language' dropdown. This improvement streamlines the process for users, as they usually do not need to change the language.

IsInvalid operator missing

The IsInvalid operator was missing in the filters builder.

This has been resolved.

Issue with Creating New Readers in the Admin Section

Previously, an issue could arise where no additional readers could be added, even when the available licenses had not been exceeded. This has now been successfully resolved, allowing for the creation of new readers up to the licensed limit without any disruptions.

Item Editor could not filter swap feature

The Item Editor was not able to filter a swap feature by populated/empty.

This has been resolved

Item Editor from Factbox closes incorrectly

When opening the Item Editor from the Factbox, all save and reloads would incorrectly close the editor.

This has been resolved.

Manage x Feature in selector missing

The Manage x feature in the selector grid was sometimes missing.

This has been resolved.

Manage XXX can now be managed by all editors

Before it was only possible to Manage XXX with "Can access Feature Data" role.

Now it is possible to Manage XXX for all editors

Move Action Command or Group to other Action

It is now possible top move an Action Command or Group to another Action.

Do this by right clicking the desired command or group and select "Move to other Action". Then select the desired target Action the the selector.

Multiple Item Editors Shortcut (CTRL+Enter)

It is now possible to open extra multiple items editors using the shortcut CTRL+Enter after opening the first Item editor.

Nultivalue search error

Fixed an error, where searching based upon a multi-select value could result in an error message when the multi-select value is removed from the multi-select window.

Possible to convert item and virtual to catalog from everywhere

Previously, it was only possible to convert item and virtual to a catalog within "Channels." Now, this functionality has been expanded to be available everywhere

Possible to show localized selectable values in grid and Item Editor

A new checkbox has been added to the grid language menu for enabling show of localized selectable values in same way as for explicit localized values.

A new checkbox has also been added to the Item Editor for enabling show of localized selectable values for other languages than current user language.

Preview Images was not available

It was not possible to preview images on a read only selectable image feature.

This has been resolved.

Remove brackets around no value in translation

Brackets were removed from "no value".

Remove shortcut from translations 

The shortcut has been removed.

Removed Reload Prompt on Related Value Changes in WebClient

In the WebClient's item editor, when users adjusted a "controlling" related value, they were prompted with a popup asking whether to reload the content or not. This reload prompt do no longer appear when "controlling" related values are changed.

Restoring large amount of rich text with previous values 

Fixed an issue where restoring large amount of rich text using previous values would give error message.

Scroll bar is missing in Feature Definition

Scroll bar now works

Supplier Portal shows error overlay on login

Supplier Portal showed an error overlay instead an inline error when a login error was present.

This has been resolved

Swap relation data was not sortable

Data in a Swap related feature was not sortable. This has been resolved.

Text wrapping in multi value text feature

An issue was fixed where before when entering text into a mult value text feature, the text input box was shrunken. Text boxes are now back to original size and the text is wrapping correctly.

The dot menu now has the correct layout

The layout on the dot menu was not correct. The issue has now been resolved.

Title and subtitle texts on dashboard widgets

Fixed an issue where the text for both title and subtitle on dashboard widgets was not correctly truncated.

Too many warnings in Item Editor

Fixed an issue with too many warnings when changing a feature that controls item dependency, filtered values, and/or related values.

Untagged showed in grid (widget + card layout)

Untagged is no longer shown in the widget grid

Updated Channels Administration page design

Channels administration page has now gotten a design update to look more like other more recent administration pages. Also, icons can now be uploaded.

Updated design for Global Search Administration

Global Search administration page has now gotten a design update to look more like other more recent administration pages.

Updated design on administration pages and "Feature Data" 

Updated design on administration pages and in "Feature Data" to follow the same design.

User could not change password

When the user tried to change password, clicking the "OK" button did nothing. This prevented the user from changing the password.

This has now been resolved.

View/Download for tall images

Fixed an issue where tall images where not correctly scaled when using View/Download image.

Web Client installation now installs each site in a separate application pool

Previously, the Perfion Web Client installation would only install a single Application Pool in IIS and therefore multiple instances would share the resources within a single process. Now, the installer will configure a separate application pool for each installed instance.

Web Section Designer

The Web Client now has administration for sections. Web Client will no longer reuse the "old" sections from the Windows Client. But run on its own set of sections.

Wrong version number 

The version number was changed.

XLSX format for reports and report data

The file format xlsx has been added to the list of possible formats for exporting reports and report data.

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