Perfion Web Client - Version 5.1

Perfion Web Client - Version 5.1

Version: 2022-R2-SR3 (5.1.4)

Release date: 14 February 2023


  • Dashboards: Work with multiple and personalized dashboards. Choose between cached and real-time widgets, with an optimized presentation.

  • Translation Management: Perform one-click updates via Google Translate or the DeepL service. Perform fast multi-updates directly in grid.

  • Global Search: The new global search function will make it a lot easier for users to find relevant items.

  • Feature administration: With Perfion Web 2022-R1 (5.1.0) the first major step has been taken to bring administrator functions to the web client.

  • And much more…

See more info in the release notes.

Important info when using the installer: The "PerfionWebClient" part of the URL is no longer needed. The URL to the web client is http://ip-address:port when using the installer.

Perfion Web Client

Release Notes

2022-R2-SR3 (5.1.4)

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Release note

Release note title

Release note

Translation updated for the 'Feature Data' menu item

The translation for the menu item 'Feature Data' has been updated to all languages available.

Update left search functionality

The left search functionality has been updated to allow the use of type Date and Boolean as search criteria

The functionality for creating items was updated to avoid throwing errors.

The functionality for adding items in the card layout has been updated to fix the error thrown.

Filter items focus has been disabled when switching between grid layouts

The focus on filter items input functionality, when switching between grid layouts, has been disabled. 

Display grid value functionality for invalid data has been fixed

The functionality for displaying invalid data has been updated to avoid black screen

Grid selector issues

It was not possible to click rows and select them depending on where you clicked on a grid cell.

Also, is was possible to get out of edit mode on a cell without really exiting edit mode. This would get the client into an erroneous state.

2022-R2-SR2 (5.1.3)

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Release note

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Release note

Searches did not always work

Searches to find item data did not work as intended when changing from one search to another.
This has been resolved

2022-R2-SR2 (5.1.2)

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Release note

Context awareness for removing items from parent

When removing an item from its parent, the "context selectable" value is keeped on the item if it was inherited from its parent.

"Context selectable" is the feature from the categorizor.

Improvements to the Search Panel

The Search panel has been improved with new features!

It is now possible to use the "Enter" key to submit the search.

Selectable radio button control now has a "Any" option that allows to disable the selected value.

Selectables can be opened with "F2" key.

Some minor bug fixes around clearing values in search fields are also included.

Rich text feature editor issue

When editing a rich text editor feature, the editor would tell the user that their domain was not white listed.

This has been resolved.

Read only multi selectable issue

A selectable multi value feature was not displayed corretly in the item editor if the value was read only due to eg inheritance.

Item editor focused incorrectly

When opening an item editor and having a Swap relations grid in the view, the Item Edited scrolled to the Swap grid.

This should not happen and has been resolved

Selector order was disrupted

When clicking nodes in a selector grid, it could happen that the grid was sorted incorrectly.

This has been resolved

Dashboard view not found

Setting up a customized view that is a child of another view for a dashboard, the view was not applied in the Web Client.

Fixed German translation

Fix a translation error in the german language in the item editor

Login with Active Directory not possible

When having an add blocker installed in the browser, the "Login with Active Directory" button was not shown on the login screen.

This has been resolved

Having an item trigger fire when item is created could cause Web Client and API to fail

Creating a trigger firing when a new Item is created could often cause the API and hereby the Web Client to fail during the insertion of a new item. This issue has been fixed.

2022-R2-SR1 (5.1.1)

Release note title

Release note

Release note title

Release note

Changing values in grid sorted the grid incorrectly

If a value was changed in a grid, the grid would sort the grid incorrectly.

This has been resolved

Issues with releated sorting

In some grid contexts, the related sorting was not correct.

Formula editor missing

The formula editor was missing from a Text Feature

Top menu could break into multiple lines

It sometimes happened that the menu bar broke into multiple lines.

This has been resolved

Focus could not be moved after update

When updating a selectable value in grid, the selection got stuck and navigation with keyboard arrows did not work.

Help text on columns in main grid

It is now possible to see the feature help text when hovering a column in the main grid of the Web Client.

View group selection functionality update

View group functionality has been updated to load only its belonging features.

The functionality for view group display has been updated to include the parent and child caption.

Feature Configuration Copy checkbox

The checkbox for selecting if a feature should be copied in the feature configuration will no longer be shown on unique features.

Read only features did not work in a filter search

Using features set up as Read Only, did not allow the user to use them correctly when used in a filter search.  (Left search panel).

This has been resolved

Output from grid issues with language

When outputting data from the grid, it was possible to deselect all languages and clicking ok giving an error.

This has been resolved.

Formulas was not resolved correctly for child values

An inheritable formular was not correctly shown on child items when set on a parent.

This has been resolved

Download image options

The download image format options has been changed. JPEG was removed.

Channel change did not reset correctly

When changing the selected channel the Releated Item workmode did not reset correctly.

This has been resolved

Grid Convert item

It was possible to convert an item in grid to a virtual even though the feature did not allow hierarchy.

Feature Data section caption

The Feature Data section Caption was incorrectly translated

Dashboard was sometimes empty

When loading dashboards for the first time, it could happen that no dashboard was found and the view was left empty.

Improved performance when loading Factbox

The factbox loaded more data than it needed. This has been changed to improve performance. 

Text control supports formula

Text feature data type control functionality has been updated to correctly save formula

Filter grid by date type value 

The filter by value functionality has been updated to support filter by date

Generate reports with multiple languages

The generate reports functionality has been updated to support multi-language selection.

Show Boolean controls 

The functionality has been updated to show the Boolean controls

Better error handling when remotes fail

When a remote features fails to load its data, the Web Client handled this in a poor way. Both Grid, Item Editor and Factbox was dragged down and stopped working completly.

This has been resolved so that a remote that fails will do it gracefully and report back in eg grid with a red X and an error message that it failed.

Scene selector was not shown

If a user does not have access to a section that is used by a scene selector, the scene selector was not shown,

This has been resolved

2022-R2 (5.1.0)

Release note title

Release note

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Release note

Paging size decreased

The default page size has been reduced from 3000 to 500 in the main grids and from 10000 to 3000 in selectors

Customer defined logo did not work

When defining a custom logo in the config.json file, it did not work and the logo was not loaded.
This has been resolved

Search item name textarea control changed to an input control for single values

Search item name control was shown as `textarea` control for single values. Changed to an `input` element.

It was not possible to filter using an advanced filter

When selecting a filter in the main grid, it was not possible to select an advanced filter.
This has been resolved

Dashboard widgets

  • Widgets show an clickable others category if they have for than 7 entries

  • Legend is removed

  • Floating labels are added for pie and donut charts

  • Bar chart labels are rotated if needed

Data language bug when switching between datasets

Switching between datasets with different languages could cause an error where the previously used data language wasn't available.

Dashboards page was empty on initial load

Loading the dashboards page for the first time would resolve in an empty page

Min max search fields did not work correctly

When searching for items, a min max search field did not work as it should.
This has been resolved.

Search filters now work with multi selectors

The search filter panel has issues with features being set up as multi selectors.
This has been resolved.

DevExpress components has been updated

The Perfion software uses the DevExpress component library. This library has been updated to latest version, 22.1.

Executing actions was not possible

If an action has more than one action appearance, the Web Client fails to load the actions when trying to execute one of them.
This has been resolved.

Resized table columns are saved across views and sessions

When a table column is resized it is saved and used across views and sessions on that particular machine.

Feature selectores did not show all selectable features

Feature selectors like the one on the left side in Feature Data, did not show all selectable features.
Selectable features in a hierarchy with explixits as parents was not shown.
This has been fixed.

Settings for Active Directory are now loaded before login

When setting up Active Directory in an existing Perfion installation it was not possible to log in with Active Directory in the Web Client without clearing the browser cache.

Now the settings for Active Directory are loaded before login.

Global search in web client

It is now possible when configuered by an admin, to search globally for items within a section.

Test connection to database

It is now possible to test the connection to database during installation of the web client using the web installer.

Multi Factor Authentication

It is now possible to use Multi Factor Authentication at the login process

New version of the installer

We have upgraded the installer so it only installs as an IIS site and not as a program.

Dashboards refactoring

The dashboard is restructured to present multiple dashboards where widgets now can be structured in sections.

Translations from grid a more editors

Translations has been improved to now support Google and DeepL.
It is now also possible to translate features directly from the grid.
New supported feature types are:
-Multi values
-Rich Text

Resizable columns

Grid columns are now resizable horizontally by dragging the small icon found in the lower right corner of a table header cell.

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