Office Addin User Guide

Office Addin User Guide

Using the Perfion Office AddIn

Locating data

Type a search value into the search field then click the search icon. Matching items will be shown in the item panel (the upper box).

By selecting a specific item in the item panel, e.g. Audi A4 1.8 TFSI, you’ll see the content belonging to the selected item in the property panel (the lower box).

You can search for a specific feature in the property panel by using the search box or you can scroll your way to it.

Inserting data into your MS Office Application

Data can be inserted into the Office document in two ways:

  • Insert data from the properties panel

  • Insert data from the item panel

Insert data from the property panel

Data can be added into the document via the property panel. Simply double click on the property that is required and its value will be inserted in your Office document.

If more than one value is required, multi-select the properties of choice, then double click on the selection. A table will be inserted will the properties chosen.

Insert data from the item panel

Items in the upper box can be selected by double clicking on the appropriate ones. Each double click will add the item to the Selected tab. In this example, four items have been selected.

After the appropriate items have been selected, go to the Selected tab. This will present the selected items in the order they were selected.

From this point, it is possible to build a table with data for the selected items by clicking the table builder icon.

The table builder shows the selected items with some pre-selected features as columns. This table can now be inserted into the document by selecting one of the Insert table icons.

The first icon inserts the table as you see it, and the second inserts the table pivoted.

If different features are required, then you can choose the actual features used via the feature list control.

From this list it is possible to check the required features for the table. If the feature selection should be preserved for future use, then enter a set name and press the save button.

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