Example: Shopify Connector Setup in Perfion

Example: Shopify Connector Setup in Perfion

In this section we will show an example of fully configured data in Perfion for use with ECommerce API and Shopify Connector. The included parts:

  • Product and category feature configuration

  • ECommerce Mapping parameters

  • ECommerce Settings parameters

  • Category data

  • Product data

  • Example how data looks like after synchronization in different Shopify stores

The data in this example is setup using these concepts:

  • Two channels are used to send the same product data to two independent Shopify stores. One Shopify store is set up using English language (store #1, Channel A), while the other one in Danish (store #2, Channel B).

  • Example configuration uses all Shopify Connector related parameters. Not all parameters are mandatory, so this configuration can be reduced based on user preferences.

  • Product and variant entities are setup to use multiple images, where Shopify Channel A uses multiple variant images and channel B use only one image.

  • Some parameters are setup to use the same values for both channels, but most of them use independent features for each channel.

Category and Product Feature Configuration

Category feature is called “Website” and its configuration is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Category feature configuration

Product feature is called “Product” and its configuration s shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Product feature configuration

ECommerce Mapping Parameters

ECommerce Mapping setup includes configuration for category, product and variant. The full configuration is shown in figures from Figure 9 to Figure 11.

ECommerce Settings Parameters

ECommerce Settings setup includes configuration of standard ECommerce API related parameters and also Shopify Connector parameters. The configuration is shown in Figure 12.

Category Data

Example of five category data values are shown in the following three figures from Figure 13 to Figure 16.

NOTE: all columns titles which has “(en)” suffix indicates that feature is localizable. Only a single value in main user language can be shown in Perfion grid for localizable features, but in practice there is one value for each language used in Perfion. That means that, for example, column “ATitle (en)” has value shown as “Tova_EN” for category “Category_00001”, but this value will be different for other languages. In this case for Danish language the value will be “Tova_DAN”. When Connector is set up to use different channels and use different languages for each channel, then each channel will use only the value for the language, which is specified for that channel. In our case, the Channel A will read value “Tova_EN” and Channel B will read value “Tova_DAN”. All localizable features in our example setup have different values for all languages, even it is not visible from examples shown in images.

Product Data

Example of one product data values are shown in the following figures from Figure 17 to Figure 31.

NOTE: all columns titles which has “(en)” suffix indicates that feature is localizable and have values for each language defined in Perfion. In our example, all values are set to different values for each language even though these values are not visible from images shown below.  

The BSyncMsg feature shown in Figure 18 has a message, which was reported by Connector after Channel B data was synchronized. In this case the Connector have reported that product in Channel B has more than 1 image for variant (AImage feature), but setup allows to use only 1 image (BSyncAllImages feature value for variants is set to ‘false’. Refer to Figure 21). The full message is shown in the Figure 19. Any time there are found warnings or errors while synchronizing product data with Shopify, the Connector will report status back. It is recommended to clear all warnings and errors by fixing the issues reported by Connector in order to make sure that data was synchronized correctly.

Example of Data in Shopify Stores after Synchronization


The same category data from example in Perfion (with key “Category_00001”) is used.

The category (Shopify collection) in both stores were set up to have the following differences:

  • Category name is localizable.

  • Category description is localizable.

The images below shows the same category after synchronization in Shopify store #1 admin.


The same product data from example in Perfion (with key “Product_0000000164”) is used.

The first example will be from Shopify store #1, which is set up to use English language (Shopify Channel A, Figure 34) and the second example will show product after synchronization in Shopify store #2 with Danish language setup (Shopify Channel B, Figure 35).

The product in both stores were set up to have the following differences:

  • Product name is localizable.

  • Product description is localizable.

  • Variant option names and values are localizable.

  • Price and quantity data is in each store’s currency. Store #1 uses USD and store #2 - DKK.

  • Variant in store #1 uses three images per variant, while store #2 has only one.

  • The variant order is different.

  • The product in store #2 has 1 variant less than store #1.

  • Variant metafields are synchronized only for store #1.

  • Quantities and locations for variants in different stores are different.

The images below shows the same product after synchronization in Shopify store #1 admin.

The metafields for product and one variant are shown in “Metafields Editor for Shopify” app.

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