Example: Self-Remotes - Return Item Level

Example: Self-Remotes - Return Item Level

Sometimes it is useful to know where in a hierarchy structure an item is placed. This Self-remote returns the hierarchy level of an item. 

This example is provided as inspiration only. It must be adapted to your Perfion environment to work. Perfion Support does not assist with such adaptations. Please contact your Perfion Partner or your Perfion consultant if you need assistance.

WITH cteParents as ( SELECT it.ID, 1 as HLEVEL FROM Items it WHERE it.ParentID = 0 UNION ALL SELECT it.ID, parent.HLEVEL + 1 as HLEVEL FROM cteParents parent INNER JOIN Items it ON parent.ID = it.ParentID ) SELECT ID as KEYVALUE, HLevel FROM cteParents WHERE id IN(#@ID:2558,2561#)


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