SuperQuery Factsheet
The SuperQuery Factsheet provides guidance for construction of a Perfion SuperQuery.
<SuperQuery execute='ShowOptions' > <!-- Note 1 -->
<Select languages='@Languages:EN,DAN'> <!-- Note 2 -->
<Feature id='**' view='Config' />
<From id='Category,Section' />
<Clause id='Brand' operator='IN'> <!-- Note 3 -->
<Select languages='@Languages:EN,DAN' view='Normal'>
<Feature id='**' view='Config' />
<Feature id='NetPrice'>
<Feature id='ExteriorColor' expression='@FormatMultiValues(• {Value}|\r\n)' />
<Feature id='ProductPartType' tag='ProductType' /> <!-- Note 4 -->
<Feature id='ProductDisabled' tag='ProductInactive' /> <!-- Note 5 -->
<From id ='Product'/>
<Output id ='Perfion.Output.Xml' >
<Parameter id='CompactFeatureMetadata' value='true' />
<Parameter id='OutputXmlSchema' value='InXml' /> <!-- Note 6 -->
<Parameter id='OutputBinaries' value='AsSeparateFiles' /> <!-- Note 7 -->
<Parameter id='SuppressUI' value='false' /> <!-- Note 8 -->
<Parameter id='OutputFilePath' value='c:\temp\export.xml' /> <!-- Note 9 -->
<Output id ='Perfion.Output.EpiServer' >
<Parameter id='Address' value='http://CourseImage:9102/EpiServerDataExchange'/>
<!-- Note 10 -->
<Parameter id='ImportAssets' value='true' />
<Parameter id='CommerceVersion' value='7.5' /> <!-- Note 11 -->
<Parameter id='CatalogName' value='My Catalog' />
<Parameter id='CatalogDefaultWeight' value='kgs' />
<Parameter id='CatalogDefaultCurrency' value='eur' />
<Parameter id='CatalogDefaultLanguage' value='en-us' />
<Parameter id='ImportAssets' value='true' />
<Parameter id='Sites' value='SiteID1|SiteID2|SiteID3' />
<Output id ='Perfion.Output.Excel' >
<Parameter id='ForReImport' value='true' />
<Parameter id='OutputBinaries' value='AsSeparateFiles' /> <!-- Note 7 -->
<Parameter id='SuppressUI' value='false' /> <!-- Note 8 -->
<Parameter id='OutputFilePath' value='c:\temp\export.xml' /> <!-- Note 9 -->
<Output id ='Perfion.Output.InBetween' >
<Parameter id='OutputBinaries' value='AsSeparateFiles' /> <!-- Note 7 -->
<Parameter id='SuppressUI' value='false' /> <!-- Note 8 -->
<Parameter id='OutputFilePath' value='c:\temp\export.xml' /> <!-- Note 9 -->
<Parameter id='Languages'> <!-- Note 2 -->
<Parameter id='ImageResolution' value='High' /> <!-- Note 12 -->
<Parameter id='BinariesOnDemand' value='true' /> <!-- Note 13 -->
<Parameter id='OutputMultiNaming' value='Named' /> <!-- Note 14 -->
<Parameter id='PublicationIndex' value='true' /> <!-- Note 15 -->
Note 1 - Options: ShowOptions, View, Export
Note 2 - Options: All language codes available in the installation can be used.
Note 3 - Options: CatalogRoot, Virtual, Normal.
Note 4 - Used by the EPiServer plugin. This is used to identify what is a product and what is a variant.
Note 5 - Used by the EPiServer plugin. This feature is used to identify if a product or variant is disabled/inactive in webshop.
Note 6 - Options: None, InXml, AsSeparateFiles
Note 7 - Options: None, PathsOnly, AsUrls, AsSeparateFiles, InOutputFile
Note 8 - This is used to bypass any UI in the plugins. It may be necessary to specify an OutputFilePath if you do this.
Note 9 - A file path to where the output should be saved. Must be a full path including file name.
Note 10 - An EPiServer Connector endpoint address.
Note 11 - Indicates the encoding to use. If this is not specified then the connector will call EPiServer to find out what is available.
Note 12 - Options: Low, Medium, High translating to 72 dpi, 150 dpi and 300 dpi, respectively. ImageResolution can also be set to a number of dpi, i.e. ‘800’.
Note 13 - When true just the BinaryID (a GUID) will be available in the reporting dataset. This reduces the size of the dataset.
Note 14 - Options: Enumerated, Named (affects variant names output)
Note 15 - When true (default is false) the report will be treated as an Index for the purposes of publishing.