Import / Export Manager

Import / Export Manager

The main purpose of the import/export manager is to schedule execution of all Perfion imports and exports.

Imports in Perfion handle a lot of data and different imports of the same type running in parallel or even imports of different types can interfere with each other.

Perfion imports usually run all data import procedures in database transaction and one import can lock access to data for another import. Therefore, the import/export manager will control which import can run and when based on import type and other parameters.

The import manager control is used with all imports regardless of where from they are executed. They could run via GUI, Actions or API and in all cases the import manager will take over.

The functionality import/export manager allows for import is also valid for all types of exports.

How It Works

The import/export manager works together with import and export logging and uses database to control import and export executions. This means that import/export manager will control all imports and exports regardless where from they are executed.

Each import or export when started is added to a queue of running/waiting imports/exports and is executed using a FIFO (first in, first out) principle.

There could be multiple queues for different types of imports/exports, and some types of imports/exports will share the same queue. There are currently the following import queue types:

  • A queue which covers following imports:

    • Feature data import

    • Feature configuration import

    • Action import

This means that all those imports will be treated as the same type of import from import/export manager’s perspective.

  • Related sort order import queue

  • Feature definition import queue

Export queues are independent from import queues. Only one instance of export of the same type can run at any time, but there could be executed several exports of different types in parallel.

The import/export manager will use database-based import/export logging and will report about imports/exports which are waiting in queue. The default time intervals used by the import/export manager:




Stop condition check

1 second

The import/export manager supports stopping of already running import/export. If the import/export is in a queue and waiting for its execution, then this interval is used to check if the import/export should be stopped, i.e. removed from the queue.

Import/export queue check

5 seconds

This is how often the import/export queue is checked for changes.

Waiting import or export status update

5 minutes

When the import/export is initiated the import/export manager will report to log if the import/export could not be started immediately and that it was put into queue for waiting. The import/export manager will continue to update this information periodically until the import/export will get priority for execution.




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