Report Service

Report Service

Report Server API is hosted on a Microsoft IIS Web Server. The service is designed according to a pull-strategy such that it scales linearly.

Reports are retrieved using a resembling html-code:

<a href="http://ServiceHostName/Perfion/Report.ashx?id=fileId" />

Reports have a variety of parameters associated, which makes it possible to deliver reports in different languages, include multiple items in the same report, etc. These parameters will be described below.


The id parameter specifics which item or items should be included in the report. It is possible to have multiple items in the same report. Multiple items in the same report are separated by a comma (,) in the URL:

<a href="http://ServiceHostName/Perfion/Report.ashx?id=fileId1,fileId2" />


The reportId parameter specifies which Perfion Database report to run. This parameter is required!

<a href="http://ServiceHostName/Perfion/Report.ashx?reportId=id&id=fileId1,fileId2" />


The name parameter specifies the report name that is generated. This is an optional parameter.


The action parameter work for report just as for the Image & File Server.


It is possible to export report in different formats using this parameter. The following export formats are supported:

  • Pdf

  • Html

  • Mht

  • Rtf

  • Xls

  • Xlsx

  • Csv

  • Text

  • AddInOutput

Using this parameter is done in the following manner:


Reports can be generated in different languages, if the data has been created in the desired language in Perfion. Using this parameter, it is possible to get reports in English, German, Danish e.g. in the following manner:


The parameters parameter specifies report parameters as defined in the superquery. This is an optional parameter. Available from Perfion 2023 R1 SR1.

One or more parameters can be specified in the following format:

parameters=[{“id”:'The name of the parameter',”values”:['The string value of the parameter']}, …]

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