WRITE.* Property "To"

WRITE.* Property "To"

The To-property at WRITE.* commands can write to three object types: A file on disk, a PBinaryStream object or a .Net Stream object:


To create a file on disk the To-property should be an absolute File-path like “c:\Export\Filename.xml”


PBinaryStream object

To create a PBinaryStream object to the To-property should be a variable name like “exportObject” or “$exportObject”. The “$exportObject” is a global variable which can be used in another called acton via Execute.Action command.

.NET Stream Object

If the To-property contains an existing variable of type ".NET Stream Object", the write command will use the ".NET Stream Object". The existing Stream object variable can only be specified programmatically.

File dialog

If the To-property remains empty, the Action will show a file dialog and create a file on disk (should only be used to test since it will only work in the Windows client).


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