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Global Search
The first options you meet are two global search functions:
Quick search
Advanced search

Global search gives you two options to search for items:
With Quick Search you can search for items matching specific keywords (item number, ean code, color, etc).
With Advanced Search you can construct searches that find items with a combination of specific values in specific features.

TECH NOTE: Global search options are only available if activated by your administrator
Quick search
Quick search allows you to quickly search for items matching your input criteria. Search is performed across all items of the given type (e.g. products) in the system.
Quick search performs the search in features determined by your administrator. In the example above, the administrator has set up the Quick search to search in item number, color, and item name. The system returns all items where “red” is present in either of these features.
Search tips:
Search term | Result |
red | Will return items with text strings including “red”. Examples: “Nice red shirt”, “Reddish is not a color” and “Then he entered” will be returned. |
*red | Will return items with text strings ending with “red”. Examples: “Then he entered” will be returned. “Nice red shirt” and “Reddish is not a color” will not be returned. |
Red* | Will return items with text strings beginning with “red”. Examples: “Reddish is not a color” will be returned. “Nice red shirt” and “Then he entered” will not be returned. |
Nice shirt | Will return items with text strings including both “nice” and “shirt. Examples: “Nice red shirt” will be returned. |
“Nice shirt” | Will return items with text strings including the phrase “nice shirt”. Examples: “Nice shirt” will be returned “Nice red shirt” will not be returned (because the phrase doesn’t match) |
Advanced Search
If Quick search doesn’t provide the level of detail you need in a specific search, you can use Advanced Search as an alternative. Advanced Search will spawn an overlay like this:

In Advanced Search, you can construct a search with multiple criteria. Each criterion consists of three element:
Feature // feature to search in
Operator // see details below
Value // value(s) to search for
In the example above, Advanced Search will find products with Brand = Bodum and Color IN black or red or black(meaning both colors will be a match). The search result would look like this:

The Advanced Search support these search operators:
= | Value on item must match exactly (no wildcards allowed) |
!= | Value on item must be different from |
> | Value on item must be larger than |
>= | Value on item must be larger than or equal to |
< | Value on item must be smaller than |
<= | Value on item must be smaller than or equal to |
LIKE | Value on item must match exactly (wildcard % allowed)
Notes: LIKE works the same as “=” if no wildcard is applied. If wildcard % is added after search value (e.g. ABC%), the value on item must begin with ABC If wildcard % is added before search value (e.g. %ABC), the value on item must end with ABC |
NOT LIKE | Opposite to LIKE |
MATCH | Value on item must contain specified value (wildcard * allowed)
Notes: If wildcard * is added after search value (e.g. ABC*), the value on item must begin with ABC If wildcard % is added before search value (e.g. *ABC), the value on item must end with ABC |
NOT MATCH | Opposite to MATCH |
IN | Value on item must be any of specified values (no wildcards allowed)
Notes: Use semicolon (;) as separator between values. If you type 8;12;20 in the value column, filter will return items with 8 or 12 or 20 as value |
NOT IN | Opposite to IN |
HAS | Item must have a value
Notes: HAS does not need/use a value. Any value you type in the third column is ignored |
NOT HAS | Opposite to HAS |
BETWEEN | Value on item must be between two specified values
Notes: Use BETWEEN on numeric features only. Use semicolon (;) as separator between values. If you type 8;12 in the value column, filter will return items with values between 8 and 12 (both end-values included) |
IN HIERARCHY OF | Value on item must be identical to or a child/grand child of the specified value
Notes: Use IN HIERARCHY OF on selectable features with a hierarchy. If you type Cooking in the value column, filter will return items with value Cooking or any child/grand child of Cooking. |
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