Mapping to field | Output Kind | Description |
Barcode | Field | The value of the barcode associated with the product. |
CompareAtPrice | Field | The compare-at price of the product. |
CountryCodeOfOrigin | Field | The country code of where the item originated from. |
InventoryPolicy | Field | Whether customers are allowed to place an order for the product when it's out of stock. Allowed values:
Cost | Field | Unit cost associated with the inventory item, the currency is the shop's default currency. |
Price | Field | The price of the product. |
HarmonizedSystemCode | Field | The harmonized system code of the inventory item. |
RequiresComponents | Field | A boolean true/false to determine whether the product requires components. The default value is false. If true, then the product can only be purchased as a parent bundle with components and it will be omitted from channels that don't support bundles. |
RequiresShipping | Field | A boolean true/false to determine whether the product requires shipping |
Sku | Field | The SKU for the product. Case-sensitive string. |
TaxCode | Field | The tax code associated with the product. |
Taxable | Field | A boolean true/false to determine whether the product is taxable. |
Tracked | Field | A boolean true/false to determine whether the inventory quantities is tracked. |
Weight | Field | The weight of the product. |
WeightUnit | Field | The weight unit of the product. Allowed values:
Quantity_<location1> | Field | The inventory quantity at the location where the product is stocked. |